These 50 workers made unique mistakes on the job

14 Apr 2023

All of us are human and we all have the right to our own mistakes. Workers in different fields also often make mistakes. Sometimes they can be funny, sometimes inappropriate, and sometimes they create danger for the lives of others. In any case, it is important to know how to take responsibility for our carelessness and negligence, and to fix everything in a timely manner.

1. Winner “Most Epic Mannequin”

Well, maybe it's just the mannequin's way of protesting against the unrealistic beauty standards that society imposes on it. Or, maybe the mannequin got into a fight with the store's security robot and things got a little heated. All I know is, if you see a broken mannequin in the store, don't be too quick to judge - it may have a story to tell! But seriously speaking, we suspect that the seller who put this mannequin was definitely left without a bonus!

Winner Most Epic Mannequin.jpg?format=webp@You Had ONE Job Funny Fails/BossDT/

2. Beautiful view!

I think we can all agree that these benches are the perfect spot for people who just love to sit and contemplate the mysteries of the universe. Or, it could be that the designers of the bench were really big fans of staring contests, and they wanted to create a space where people could challenge themselves to stare at a wall for hours on end without blinking. Be that as it may, I wonder how many people want to sit on these benches for introverts! We don’t see a single one in the photo and for some reason, we are not surprised by this!

Beautiful view.jpg?format=webp@You Had ONE Job Funny Fails/BossDT/

3. Probably the worst surprise ever!

No wonder they say that in case of suspicion of pregnancy, it is better to immediately buy several tests. After all, no one is immune from such surprises as in the photo! And no, three stripes do not mean that the girl is pregnant with triplets. A three-line result could be due to a faulty test, where the extra line is an error in the manufacturing process or a defect in the test itself. It is important to follow the instructions on the pregnancy test carefully and to repeat the test or seek medical advice if the results are unclear or inconsistent.

Probably the worst surprise ever.jpg?format=webp@People Had One Job And Failed In A Hilarious Way/BossDT/

4. So dangerous!

We don’t know what genius made the irrigation system near the electrics, but it’s just awful! Apparently, some people have completely forgotten about what security is. Electricity can pass through water and reach the human body! This disruption can lead to burns, muscle contractions, heart rhythm disturbances, and other life-threatening injuries. We hope that the person who was so negligent about his work has already been fired. If you see a similar picture, then do not come close to electricity and water and call a service that can fix this problem.

So dangerous.jpg?format=webp@People Had One Job And Failed In A Hilarious Way/BossDT/

5. I wonder if some children will want to buy such a toy or not

Perhaps there is a child who wants to buy this toy so that only he has one! Well, maybe the creators of this were trying to cater to a very specific group of customers - the collectors of unusual toys! Original toys can also serve as a source of entertainment and comfort for kids. Many children use toys as a way to cope with stress, anxiety, or boredom, and funny toys can provide a lighthearted distraction from their worries. In addition, funny toys can also serve as social tools for kids. Sharing funny toys with friends can help them bond.

I wonder if some children will want to buy such a toy or not.jpg?format=webp@People Had One Job And Failed In A Hilarious Way/BossDT/

6. What cute green «puppies»!

I wonder what the person who wrote this text had in mind. What do puppies have to do with parrots? Absolutely none! However, maybe this is such a marketing ploy! 

This way you can attract a large number of new customers! Or the employee was simply too lazy to create a new table with the text and he transferred the old sign from the puppies to the parrots.

What cute green puppies.jpg?format=webp@People Who Had One Job and Failed Miserably 🤣🤣🤣/brainal/

7. Super fresh!

After seeing "fresh" basil, the level of trust in this store is exactly zero! Grocery stores may sell unfresh herbs for a variety of reasons, but it's important to note that most stores make an effort to sell fresh herbs whenever possible. Fresh herbs have a relatively short shelf life, and they can quickly lose their flavor and aroma if not stored properly. Grocery stores may sell unfresh herbs if they have not been stored correctly, or if they have been sitting on the shelf for too long. Therefore, before buying greens, trust not the inscription, but your eyesight.

Super fresh.jpg?format=webp@You Had ONE Job Funny Fails/BossDT/

8. It's hard not to pay attention to such ads!

In the first photo, you see how this advertisement should look right, and in the second photo, you can see the result of the work of people who did not do their job well. And "bad" is putting it mildly! I wonder if they were pasting this ad with their eyes closed or on a night. We can't even imagine how such a terrible result could come out! Even more interesting, what did the boss eventually say to these employees? But what can be said for sure - it is simply impossible not to notice such advertising! So maybe it was some kind of marketing ploy?

It's hard not to pay attention to such ads.jpg?format=webp@People Had One Job And Failed In A Hilarious Way/BossDT/

9. People, don't drink alcohol at work! Please!

Have you ever noticed those curved markings on the road and wondered what they're for? Well, it turns out that they were put there by prankster road workers who wanted to mess with drivers' and pedestrians' heads. You see, these markings were initially straight and normal, just like any other road markings. But one day, a group of bored road workers decided to have some fun and break up the monotony of their job. Or employees did this markup after a fun corporate party! And what do you think is the reason for this zigzag on the pavement?

People, don't drink alcohol at work.jpg?format=webp@People Had One Job And Failed In A Hilarious Way/BossDT/

10. Gift for April 1!

We seem to understand colors and we can say for sure that this is not a brown, but a blue pencil! But during its production, something went wrong. It could be a simple manufacturing error, where the label was mistakenly printed with the wrong color name. Alternatively, it could be a prank by someone who switched the labels on purpose, just to confuse people. If you come across a blue pencil that says "brown," don't worry too much about it - just enjoy the humor and keep on drawing or writing!

Gift for April 1.jpg?format=webp@People Had One Job And Failed In A Hilarious Way/BossDT/

11. It’s better to bypass this playground if you love your kids!

It's hard for us to imagine what kind of person could install a children's slide near the sewer manhole! Perhaps this person hates children or maybe he has vision problems? Or maybe initially the hatch was not visible because of the bushes, we don’t even know what the reason could still be. However, seriously speaking, it is very dangerous! In any case, if you come across a children's slide that leads to a sewer manhole, it's important to report it to the appropriate authorities immediately. They will investigate the matter and take the necessary steps to ensure the safety of children who use the playground. 

It’s better to bypass this playground if you love your kids.jpg?format=webp@People Had One Job And Failed In A Hilarious Way/BossDT/

12. Poor hostage!

Being a hostage is always terrible. But if this girl comes to save the hostage, then he is doubly unlucky! Of course, shooting is a complex skill that requires a lot of training and practice to master. Even with the best training, many factors can affect an officer's accuracy, such as the distance to the target, movement of the target, visibility, and lighting conditions. But we suspect that this girl just decided to joke for a photo and that in fact, she shoots a weapon perfectly!

Poor hostage.jpg?format=webp@People Had One Job And Failed In A Hilarious Way/BossDT/

13. And how can people enter this house?

Perhaps it is simply impossible to pass by this house and not pay attention to it. Perhaps the owners of this home just wanted to stand out from the crowd. Or maybe everything is sadder and they just had no luck with the builders. However, there could be a few reasons why steps were made near the window instead of near the door. The placement of the steps near the window may be a safety measure to prevent people from falling or tripping on the steps when entering or exiting the house. Or the steps may have been placed near the window for aesthetic reasons, to create a more original entrance to the house.

And how can people enter this house.jpg?format=webp@People Had One Job And Failed In A Hilarious Way/BossDT/

14. What do you think it is?

No, these are not puffs, these are unfortunate croissants that the girl asked her boyfriend to cook. But as you can see, he did not cope with his task at all! In any case, making croissants can be a delicate process that requires attention to detail and practice. Therefore, we will not condemn the guy, but his culinary masterpiece cannot but cause a smile! But still, there are simpler dishes that a guy can cook to impress a girl. For example, grilled burgers. If your girlfriend likes burgers, you could impress her with a homemade patty grilled to perfection. Serve it with some crispy fries and a side of coleslaw.

What do you think it is.jpg?format=webp@People Had One Job And Failed In A Hilarious Way/BossDT/

15. It's very generous!

Well, if you happen to come across a juice box with 15 tubes, it could be a new invention designed to keep your whole family hydrated at once! No more fighting over one straw! Ha-ha! With 15 tubes, everyone can have their own and there are even some spares for unexpected guests! Just be sure to have plenty of juice! But seriously speaking, don't factories check their products? Because of their carelessness, they spent as much as 15 tubes! But at least it is not profitable from an economic point of view. Now they'll have to make the remaining 15 packs of juice without tubes! Of course, we are joking.

It's very generous.jpg?format=webp@People Had One Job And Failed In A Hilarious Way/BossDT/

16. Would you dare to study here?

There are a variety of topics that one can learn in college as an architecture student. For example, there you can learn how to create architectural plans and models using both traditional and computer-aided design techniques. Also, you'll study the history and evolution of architecture, as well as different architectural styles and movements. Of course, it all sounds great. But when you see a college for architects with a strange sign, questions already arise for this educational institution. Do they really know what planning is?

Would you dare to study here.jpg?format=webp@People Who Had One Job and Failed Miserably/BE AMAZED/

17. And how to drink from this cup?

We think you've seen a lot of original cups, but you've hardly ever seen one like this! A cup with a handle inside is something new! But we suspect that this is a factory marriage! I wonder how it was possible not to notice during production that not everything was okay with the cup. In a factory setting, there are typically quality control processes in place to identify and address defective products before they are shipped to customers. However, even with these processes, some defective products may still slip through the cracks and make it into the hands of consumers.

And how to drink from this cup.jpg?format=webp@Funny You Had One Job! (And You Couldn't Do It) Fails 😂😂😂/ Daily PIX/

18. Such a ball can only be given to the enemy!

We think that all children love gifts! However, we suspect that if a girl receives such a ball as a gift, then she may be a little upset. The mixture of a beautiful girl and a one-eyed pirate come looks very strange on this ball! Deliberately, even with a strong desire, it is difficult to come up with. By the way, if you see a defective item in a store, you should bring it to the attention of the store staff or manager as soon as possible. They will likely have a process in place for handling defective items and can provide you with instructions on how to proceed.

Such a ball can only be given to the enemy.jpg?format=webp@Funny You Had One Job! (And You Couldn't Do It) Fails 😂😂😂/ Daily PIX/

19. And again about people who hate children!

I wonder what the people who installed this swing were thinking. How can a child ride on it? So far we have more questions than answers! Seriously, using this swing is at least impossible! If you see a defective swing, it's important to take action to prevent any potential injuries or accidents. If the swing is in a public park or playground, contact your local authorities such as the parks and recreation department or public works department. They will likely address defective playground equipment.

And again about people who hate children.jpg?format=webp@Funny You Had One Job! (And You Couldn't Do It) Fails 😂😂😂/ Daily PIX/

20. There will be a flood soon!

Just great! Installing a raised rain drain was a great idea, as you can see! The flood on this street will definitely happen soon, so the person who installed this hatch is better not to appear in this area again. He definitely won't be happy! But seriously, if there is a flood outside, it's important to take immediate action to ensure your safety and the safety of those around you. Monitor local news and weather reports to stay up to date on the situation and any evacuation orders or warnings. 

There will be a flood soon.jpg?format=webp@Funny You Had One Job! (And You Couldn't Do It) Fails 😂😂😂/ Daily PIX/

21. Would you like to try this snack?

Onion for a snack is something original! At a minimum, it’s definitely better not to go on a date after such a snack! By the way, onions are a versatile and widely used ingredient in cooking around the world. Onions are a good source of vitamin C, dietary fiber, and other micronutrients. They are also low in calories, making them a healthy addition to many dishes. Also, onions are used for their distinct flavor in cooking, as well as for their nutritional and potential medicinal benefits. So for cooking various dishes, onions are great, but definitely not for snacks!

Would you like to try this snack.jpg?format=webp@Funny You Had One Job! (And You Couldn't Do It) Fails 😂😂😂/ Daily PIX/

22. Royal toilet!

If you have the desire to feel yourself on the throne, then urgently call the person. Who installed this toilet that looks more like a throne? Of course, in fact, it all looks strange and comical! It’s hard to even imagine why such a ridiculous design was made. Perhaps the inhabitants of this house thought that the toilet is one of the most important parts of the bathroom. By putting it on a raised platform, you're making it feel more important and giving it the attention it deserves. Just be careful not to fall off your royal throne!

Royal toilet.jpg?format=webp@Hilarious Situations When People Had One Job And Failed Miserably 「 funny photos / BossDT/

23. And what to do with this coloring?

Yes, the creator of this coloring book is genius! And now what do children do with this miracle? Looking at white Dalmatians? But no! If you have a coloring book that depicts Dalmatians that are white, you can still use it to create beautiful and imaginative works of art. Firstly, children can create a colorful background. Instead of focusing solely on the Dalmatians, children can try coloring the background with vibrant colors. This will help make the Dalmatians stand out and create a cool picture! Let your children’s creativity run wild and have fun together!

And what to do with this coloring.jpg?format=webp@People Had One Job And Failed In A Hilarious Way/BossDT/

24. Is it tasty?

As you can see, if you buy canned corn, you may end up with a surprise! We don't even know what's in that tin. It looks like thinly sliced potatoes, and what do you think? It's possible that someone accidentally mixed vegetables up or mistakenly labeled the jar. Alternatively, some food manufacturers may add potatoes to jars of mixed vegetables to help bulk up the contents and make them more filling. This is more commonly seen in canned soups or stews that contain a variety of vegetables and meats.

Is it tasty.jpg?format=webp@People Had One Job And Failed In A Hilarious Way/BossDT/

25. Great shoes for winter!

Well, you can wear flip-flops in winter anywhere you want to make a fashion statement or test your cold tolerance! Who needs boots when you've got flip-flops? Embrace the cold and take a snowy walk in your flip-flops. While wearing flip-flops in winter might not be the most practical choice, it can make a statement and bring some humor to your day. Just make sure to stay warm and watch your step! But seriously, you'd better bypass this rack with "winter" slippers and give preference to boots! They will definitely make you feel more comfortable in winter.

Great shoes for winter.jpg?format=webp@Funny You Had One Job! (And You Couldn't Do It) Fails 😂😂😂/ Daily PIX/

26. OMG! How is this even possible?

A great place for a first date, which will definitely be the last! It's hard to say why anyone would install a bench under a sewer pipe, but here are some humorous suggestions. Maybe the builders were feeling a bit cheeky and wanted to give people a not-so-comfortable place to rest their bums. After all, what's more, uncomfortable than sitting under a sewer pipe? Doubtlessly, sitting under a sewer pipe takes a certain level of humor and courage. Maybe the builders were trying to test people's ability to find humor in a strange and uncomfortable situation.

OMG_How is this even possible.jpg?format=webp@Funny You Had One Job! (And You Couldn't Do It) Fails 😂😂😂/ Daily PIX/

27. I wonder if anyone will buy it?

Of course, for many, the birth of a child is a happy and important event that turns into a real holiday! At home, a newborn and his mother are usually welcomed with balloons, various home decorations, and treats! However, everyone is used to the fact that often the color of boys is not pink, but blue. The origins of this association are not entirely clear, but one theory is that it began in the early 20th century when manufacturers began using gender-specific colors to market clothing and toys. Perhaps the creators of the thing you see in the photo decided to break the stereotypes!

I wonder if anyone will buy it.jpg?format=webp@Funny You Had One Job! (And You Couldn't Do It) Fails 😂😂😂/ Daily PIX/

28. This a reminder that it's time to go on a diet! 

Honestly, it's hard to imagine whom this door was created for! Who can enter it? Is that a hamster or a cat? By the way, a narrow door can be made for a variety of reasons, depending on the specific context and intended use. A narrow door could be used as a hidden entrance or exit, leading to a secret room or hiding spot. It could be camouflaged as part of a bookcase or wall, adding an element of intrigue and mystery to a space. And do you have any idea why this door was created?

This a reminder that it's time to go on a diet.jpg?format=webp@People Who Had One Job and Failed Miserably 🤣🤣🤣/brainal/

29. And what is the true price?

With products price in the supermarket, you need to be very careful! After all, often store employees confuse prices and put the wrong price tags. Therefore, if you do not want to pay twice as much, then it is better to be too careful. However, it's important to note that supermarkets typically offer convenience and a wider selection of products than other stores or online retailers, which can justify higher prices. Therefore, sometimes prices in supermarkets can be higher than the manufacturer of the product promised.

And what is the true price.jpg?format=webp@People Who Had One Job and Failed Miserably 🤣🤣🤣/brainal/

30. This is “genius”!

If you are a puzzle lover and buy a new picture in the hope that it will come out to assemble a beautiful mountain landscape, then in reality everything can go a little wrong! For example, in this case, instead of mountains, a waterfall turned out. As it were, it’s also not bad, but the person was counting on something completely different! As you can see, even at the puzzle factory sometimes there are failures! So it is not always worth trusting the promises of manufacturers, so as not to be greatly disappointed later.

This is genius.jpg?format=webp@People Had One Job And Failed In A Hilarious Way/BossDT/

31. Head upside down

This toy with a head upside down is definitely designed for people with an unconventional thinking style and a good sense of humor. However, it is interesting whether the manufacturer simply did not track the quality of production or decided to stand out and make the toy the opposite way. Regardless of the reason behind the design, it's clear that this toy can provide hours of entertainment and laughter for those who appreciate its uniqueness. If you're someone who enjoys quirky and unconventional items, this toy with its upside-down head may be just the thing to add to your collection.

Head upside down.jpg?format=webp@Funny You Had One Job! (And You Couldn't Do It) Fails 😂😂😂/Daily PIX/YouTube

32. Masterpiece piece of pavement

When you look at this piece of pavement, the question immediately arises: "How?!" And the main question is, why to bother to make this shapeless piece at all? It turned out, of course, original, and if the person who created this masterpiece wanted to draw attention to his work, he succeeded. However, the pavement is a practical thing that should not stand out but should be comfortable for walking. Perhaps, he did it for the first time and decided that a little creativity wouldn't hurt. However, there is a possibility that the employer simply asked to finish the job as quickly as possible and was stingy on additional materials.

Masterpiece piece of pavement.jpg?format=webp@Funny You Had One Job! (And You Couldn't Do It) Fails 😂😂😂/Daily PIX/YouTube

33. Ambiguous Christmas decorations

Traditional Christmas street decorations usually involve garlands and mistletoe. However, this time, the people in charge of decorating surpassed the boldest expectations. If you look closely, it's immediately clear that the lanterns are adorned with Christmas ornaments. However, the first impression is quite different and ambiguous. It's unknown whether the duality of perception caught the eye of those who approved of this decoration. However, passersby immediately noticed this original and creative approach.

Ambiguous Christmas decorations.jpg?format=webp@People Had One Job And Failed In A Hilarious Way/BossDT/YouTube

34. Marketing move?

Have you ever thought about the packaging of juice and its main purpose? I think not very often. Usually, you just buy the drink, open the cap, and drink it. But this time, you won't be able to do everything according to the usual scenario. The manufacturers created a real puzzle for the buyer and made the neck of the bottle separate from the opening. If it's not a defect, then it's probably a marketing move that will make you remember the juice brand forever.

Marketing move.jpg?format=webp@Funny You Had One Job! (And You Couldn't Do It) Fails 😂😂😂/Daily PIX/YouTube

35. Design slide

It seems that this children's slide is like fate: you don't know where it will take you and what the end result will be. Three slides are fun, but there is only one entrance and three children won't be able to slide down at the same time. However, the designer of the slide didn't think about this and chose to be original despite everything. But there are nuances. If a small child slides down, there is a danger that parents won't immediately understand the route and won't be able to catch the child in time at the bottom. It's a bit easier for older children, but getting injured on such a slide is still quite possible.

Design slide.jpg?format=webp@The Funniest Design Fails By Crappy Design | That's Funny/That's Funny/YouTube

36. Mango or avocado?

Did you dare to taste ice cream with an ambiguous flavor? Avocado or maybe mango? Or perhaps it's a very exotic, yet unknown, avocado-mango flavor? A riddle for the buyer. The ice cream looks like mango because of its yellow color. However, the label confuses things a bit because it shows an avocado, even though the caption claims it's a mango. What to do? There are two options. First, clarify with the seller. Second, in case they don't know the exact answer, buy a small amount of ice cream and decide for yourself what flavor it is.

Mango or avocado.jpg?format=webp@Funny You Had One Job! (And You Couldn't Do It) Fails 😂😂😂/Daily PIX/YouTube

37. Drunken doll or her maker?

It seems that the doll in question is not in the best condition. However, when it comes to children's toys, we usually choose nice-looking and high-quality ones. There are more questions than answers about this particular doll. As the author of the photo noticed, perhaps she had a little too much to drink the night before, or more accurately, the doll's manufacturer made a mistake while creating her. The doll definitely needs some work, and with some improvements, the chances of selling it would increase.

Drunken doll or her maker.jpg?format=webp@Funny You Had One Job! (And You Couldn't Do It) Fails 😂😂😂/Daily PIX/YouTube

38. Iron logic

The logic at play is that if the patio is not open, then it is closed. However, it is possible that there were other options. Most people simply hang a sign on the door that says "Closed" or "Open," and visitors seem to understand. Nevertheless, the management of this establishment decided to provide a detailed explanation so that no one would have any doubts that the patio is currently closed and not accessible to anyone, because of closing.

Iron logic.jpg?format=webp@People Are Sharing Priceless “Not My Job” Moments Caught In Pictures | Good Times/Good Times/YouTube

39. What happened to the security button?

You read the announcement and feel warm inside because someone cares about your safety. But when you look in the direction of the arrow, your feeling of gratitude turns into a feeling of being deceived. You were promised a button that you could press for help, but it's not there in the specified location. Is this a prank or a cruel joke? Or did someone who is waiting for the right moment to attack you plan everything in advance and remove the button? It's better to clarify this situation with the administration.

What happened to the security button.jpg?format=webp@Funny You Had One Job! (And You Couldn't Do It) Fails 😂😂😂/Daily PIX/YouTube

40. Double-standard

We often encounter people who apply double standards. A vivid example of this type of person is right in front of us. The author of this plate clearly states, "No engraving," but contradicts themselves. He did not hesitate to engrave the plate despite claiming the opposite. Doubts immediately arise that it is easy to come to an agreement with this person and there are guarantees that you will understand each other. It is important for individuals to be consistent in their words and actions, and to apply the same standards to themselves as they do to others.

Double-standard.jpg?format=webp@People Are Sharing Priceless “Not My Job” Moments Caught In Pictures | Good Times/Good Times/YouTube

41. Inappropriate sign

Water? If you drink such water every day, your health won't be enough. Alcohol is a good thing if you don't abuse it. The store sellers probably just forgot to remove the sign that said "Water" and put alcohol on the shelves. Or maybe they were just in a good mood and decided to test the attentiveness of the buyers. It's unlikely that people would confuse water with strong alcoholic beverages, but they will definitely smile when they see a sign that doesn't match the product being sold.

Inappropriate sign.jpg?format=webp@Funniest You Had One Job... | Good Times#3/Good Times/YouTube

42. Playground with a surprise

It's hard to imagine how a manhole could be missed during the construction of a children's playground, especially if it's placed right in the sandbox where young children love to play. This kind of negligence is extremely hazardous and could result in serious consequences such as injuries, potential access for children to hazardous sewer mines, and other dangers. We are hopeful that the manhole was spotted in time and that no harm was caused to anyone.

Playground with a surprise.jpg?format=webp@People Are Sharing Priceless “Not My Job” Moments Caught In Pictures | Good Times/Good Times/YouTube

43. Rationalistic Google

Even the all-powerful Google can make mistakes. It's not just people that can't be trusted, but machines as well. And it's no wonder, as these machines were created by the same people. Google only understood that it was being asked about the 13th day, and it decided not to delve into the rest of the request. Does it really matter whether it's Friday or any other day of the week? Google doesn't believe in mysticism and superstitions, and by default, it doesn't advise you to believe in them either. Maybe it's right?

Rationalistic Google.jpg?format=webp@Funniest You Had One Job... | Good Times#3/Good Times/YouTube

44. Pessimistic sweater 

It seems that this sweater is designed for pessimists, as the writing on it sounds rather sad and not very cheerful. Perhaps the designers originally planned to write something happy, like "Have a nice day," but something went wrong during the creation process and they decided to change the writing to something gloomier. Or perhaps the designers intentionally chose to create a sweater with a melancholic message. Fashion is often used as a form of expression and can convey a range of emotions, including sadness and despair.

Pessimistic sweater .jpg?format=webp@People Are Sharing Priceless “Not My Job” Moments Caught In Pictures | Good Times/Good Times/YouTube

45. Bold slogans

The authors of this post claim that brewing refreshes. This is a very dubious statement. One immediately wants to ask for facts to support such a view. Perhaps they judge based on the misleading feeling that hops give after a mug of beer? At that moment, of course, one's mood becomes brighter, and problems no longer seem so serious. However, if you drink beer every day, you are unlikely to feel cheerful and healthy. One must still be careful with such slogans. Everything has consequences.

Bold slogans.jpg?format=webp@Funniest You Had One Job... | Good Times#3/Good Times/YouTube

46. Eyes instead of cheeks

It’s hard to say whether this is a marriage or whether the designer decided to show everyone his creativity in this way, but this Pikachu looks strange! But if your child likes to stand out from the crowd and surprise everyone with funny toys, then he will definitely like it! Do you agree?

Eyes instead of cheeks.jpg?format=webp@You had ONE JOB...! (Design FAILS)/ MoreAliA /

47. New French flag

Apparently, the French Air Force has decided it's time for France to update its flag! And jokes aside, we are afraid to even imagine what happened to the person who made such a serious mistake. At the very least, we suspect that he was fired!

New French flag.jpg?format=webp@You had ONE JOB...! (Design FAILS)/ MoreAliA /

48. Bonus potato

When you buy a pack of chips, you definitely don’t suspect that there might be a whole potato inside. And so huge too! After eating chips, you can take a frying pan and make yourself another portion of chips!

Bonus potato.jpg?format=webp@You had ONE JOB...! (Design FAILS)/ MoreAliA /

49. And where to go?

If you want to not only relax on vacation but also solve puzzles, then you will definitely like this hotel! Judging by this sign, it is not at all clear how to find your room number. But it's not boring, is it? 

And where to go.jpg?format=webp@You had ONE JOB...! (Design FAILS)/ MoreAliA /

50. Non-functional balconies

Having a balcony in your apartment is great! You can sit there in the evenings and drink tea, looking at the city, as an option. However, just look at the balconies in this house! They are made between the windows, so it is impossible to go out on them! We can imagine how offensive it is for the residents.

Non-functional balconies.jpg?format=webp@You had ONE JOB...! (Design FAILS)/ MoreAliA /
