Funny signs from around the world that we couldn't pass by

07 Apr 2023

When it comes to rules or guidelines, we often look to signs for direction. While many people do it the easy way, here are some more fun and ironic signs...  

1. Most likely, this person does not like children very much

We suspect that upon seeing such a sign, even obedient children will not want to enter this house. For some reason, it immediately seems that the inhabitants of this house are child-free! Although it is possible that they simply do not like other people's children, everything can be. But if you want other people's children to behave calmly at your place, then it is better to make sure that they are not bored. For example, you can prepare an interesting game or turn on some cool cartoon for them. In such a situation, children are likely to have a good time and not bother anyone with excessive activity.

Most likely, this person does not like children very much.jpg?format=webp@The Most Hilarious Signs Ever/ Dumbas/

2. Convincing request!

If impudent people take bicycles and do not pay money for their rent, then they should be warned about the danger that lies in waiting for them! For someone who owns a bike rental business, it is important to handle this situation carefully and professionally to protect your business and maintain good customer relationships. By the way, if you have a bike lock or tracking device on the bike, you can use it to prevent the renter from taking the bike until they pay. In any case, we wish everyone to encounter only honest and decent people!

Convincing request.jpg?format=webp@BroskiBruv87/

3. Looks unreal!

And did you hear about the car that climbed a mountain? It was tired when it got to the top, so it decided to take a break. Or why did the car climb uphill in first gear? Because it couldn't get a grip in high heels! Okay, I know those jokes were a bit cheesy, but I hope they made you grin at least a little bit. Remember, always drive safely, especially when climbing uphill! But seriously speaking, it is most like a drawbridge, and someone just decided to make a joke by installing a funny road sign.

Looks unreal.jpg?format=webp@The Most Hilarious Signs Ever/ Dumbas/

4. Pretentious cat

We don't know why cats always look more pretentious than dogs but we can offer a humorous take on this question! Maybe it's because cats have that natural "resting snob face" that just makes them look like they're too good for everything. Meanwhile, dogs are just so happy-go-lucky and eager to please that they never have time to be pretentious - they're too busy wagging their tails and waiting for their next belly rub! Or perhaps it's because cats have that graceful, aloof mannerism that seems to suggest they know something we don't, while dogs can't help but show their affection for us humans.

Pretentious cat.jpg?format=webp@The Most Hilarious Signs Ever/ Dumbas/

5. Mystery!

I wonder what the creators of this sign wanted to tell people. What is forbidden to swim or is it still forbidden to smoke? Or perhaps both are prohibited in this place? But perhaps there is logic in this because you definitely shouldn’t smoke in the sea. Smoking requires the use of the hands, which can be dangerous while swimming. If a smoker gets caught up in the action of smoking and forgets to swim, they could risk drowning. Smoking can also affect a person's coordination and reaction time, making them more likely to have an accident while swimming.


6. Would you like to go to such a restaurant?

Well, it's no laughing matter when someone is allergic to peanuts, but this restaurant's owner tried to crack a joke anyway! We suspect that this restaurant is also visited by people with a sense of humor, who do not mind showing it. For example, did you hear about the peanut-allergic person who went to a restaurant and asked if they had any peanut-free dishes? The waiter said, "Sure, we have a great salmon dish that doesn't contain any peanuts." The person with the allergy replied, “That's great, but what about the salmon's peanut allergy?”

Would you like to go to such a restaurant.jpg?format=webp@The Most Hilarious Signs Ever/ Dumbas/

7. Ambiguous decision!

We hope this guy is joking and he didn't actually spend his last money on this billboard, because it's definitely not the best idea. However, what to do if you can't find a job for a long time? To help you find career leads, it's crucial to utilize your personal and professional networks. Let your friends, family, and colleagues know that you are actively seeking a job and ask if they know of any opportunities. When you receive a call for an interview, be prepared to showcase your skills and experience. Research the company, practice answering interview questions, and dress professionally.

Ambiguous decision.jpg?format=webp@These Times Signs are Absolutely Hilarious - You Have to See What Happens Next!/ BossDT/

8. This is one of the cutest signs!

When it's slippery, it's really better to take your time and walk like a penguin! But this is not the only advice that can save you from falling on slippery asphalt. It's better to wear shoes with slip-resistant soles or shoes that provide good traction on slippery surfaces. Also, it's a good idea to avoid carrying heavy items that can throw off your balance and make it harder to regain your footing if you slip. Moreover, using your phone or carrying items that may distract you and reduce your ability to react to changes in the surface.

This is one of the cutest signs.jpg?format=webp@lehakukushkun/

9. Sounds scary!

Indeed, when you see such a sign, you feel uncomfortable and you don’t really want to go into the sea or ocean. If you are a sailor or a tourist on a ship, it is important to take proper safety precautions, such as wearing life jackets, having safety equipment onboard, monitoring weather conditions, and ensuring that equipment is properly maintained. It is also important to have a plan in place for emergency situations, such as a man overboard or a medical emergency.

Sounds scary.jpg?format=webp@These Times Signs are Absolutely Hilarious - You Have to See What Happens Next!/ BossDT/

10. Interesting story

It is unlikely that people in general hate parks. In fact, parks are often seen as valuable public spaces that provide opportunities for relaxation, recreation, and social interaction. However, some people may have individual reasons for disliking parks. A person may associate a particular park with a negative experience. For example, let's talk about Roger, to whom this sign was dedicated. In this park, a girl could break off relations with him. Will he love the place after this? Of course not! And in general, it is very unfortunate that some negative events in life can affect our love or dislike for various places.

Interesting story.jpg?format=webp@FUNNIEST SIGNS EVER/ Daily Humor/

11. We agree!

In our opinion, there are a few ways to stop making stupid people famous. One of the reasons why some people become famous for doing stupid things is because the media and the public give them attention. To stop this, we can choose to not give them attention, such as not clicking on their articles or videos, not engaging with their social media posts, and not discussing them with others. Also, it's important to promote positive role models! Instead of focusing on people who do stupid things, we can promote and celebrate positive role models who inspire us with their achievements and positive contributions to society. This can help shift the focus away from negative behavior and towards more constructive and admirable qualities.

We agree.jpg?format=webp@FUNNIEST SIGNS EVER/ Daily Humor/

12. Based on real events!

It's already very realistic! Most doctors actually write that way! Doctors' handwriting has long been a subject of humor and frustration, but it is not necessarily illegible by design. There are a few reasons why doctors may have handwriting that is difficult to read. Doctors are often under time pressure to quickly document patient information and move on to the next task. This can lead to hurried and sloppy handwriting. Also, doctors use a lot of medical jargon and abbreviations in their notes, which can be difficult for others to understand. And finally, like anyone else, doctors have their own personal style of handwriting, which can vary in legibility.

Based on real events.jpg?format=webp@FUNNIEST SIGNS EVER/ Daily Humor/

13. It’s funny!

We can assume that this restaurant has a very cool marketer! He even inspired us to remember the most popular Mexican dishes! A quintessential Mexican dish, tacos are made with a corn or wheat tortilla filled with a variety of meats, vegetables, beans, and salsa. Guacamole is made with mashed avocados, tomatoes, onions, jalapenos, and lime juice, guacamole is a delicious and healthy dip that is perfect for tortilla chips or as a topping for tacos. And now let's move on to another popular Mexican dish! Enchiladas are made by wrapping tortillas around a filling of meat, cheese, or vegetables, and smothering them in a flavorful sauce before baking.

It’s funny.jpg?format=webp@FUNNIEST SIGNS EVER/ Daily Humor/

14. Those eyes shouldn’t move!

Of course, jokes are jokes, but an earthquake is, in fact, very dangerous! And what to do if the eyes on this sign twitch and you realize that an earthquake has begun? If an earthquake starts, it is important to take the following steps to protect yourself. Drop to the ground to avoid being knocked over by the shaking. Then cover your head and neck with your arms and seek cover under a sturdy desk or table, or against an interior wall. If there is no cover available, crouch down in an inside corner of the building and cover your head and neck with your arms. 

Those eyes shouldn’t move.jpg?format=webp@FUNNIEST SIGNS EVER/ Daily Humor/

15. Better stay away!

Thanks to the kind people who warned that drunkards could play nearby! Most likely, it is better not to walk in this location and not to play with drunk people, because this can end badly. In some cases, drunk people may become aggressive or hostile. This can escalate quickly and lead to physical altercations or other dangerous situations. If you do decide to participate in games with drunk individuals, it's important to be cautious and to watch for signs of danger or aggression. It's also important to know your limits and avoid drinking excessively. 

Better stay away.jpg?format=webp@WakiWakiGlobal/

16. Super sign!

If we saw this sign, we would definitely go to this cafe! When employees are cheerful, it creates a positive atmosphere in the cafe that can be infectious. Visitors may feel happier and more relaxed in such an environment, and enjoy their experience at the cafe more. Emotional contagion is the phenomenon where emotions spread from one person to another. When employees are cheerful, it can lead to visitors feeling happier and more positive, which can improve their overall experience at the cafe. Overall, cheerful employees can have a positive impact on the customer experience and lead to increased business for a cafe.

Super sign.jpg?format=webp@FUNNIEST SIGNS EVER/ Daily Humor/

17. Gangster goose

At first glance, this sign may cause laughter, however, in fact, geese can really be dangerous! Geese are known for their aggressive behavior, especially during the breeding season. They can become territorial and protective of their nesting sites and may attack anyone who comes too close. If they feel frightened or cornered, they may also become aggressive. Geese can also pose a hazard to drivers and pedestrians if they are crossing busy roads or highways. They can cause accidents or injury if they are hit by a car or if someone tries to swerve to avoid them.

Gangster goose.jpg?format=webp@These Times Signs are Absolutely Hilarious - You Have to See What Happens Next!/ BossDT/

18. Dangerous area

Yes, in this place it is really better to be only for healthy people. But what to do if you forgot your phone at home, it suddenly became ill, and it’s also impossible to call an ambulance on the street? If you don't have a phone, you can try to call for help in other ways. If you are in a public place or near people, shout as loud as you can for someone to call an ambulance. Also, it’s possible to ask someone else to call. If there is anyone around you, ask them to call for an ambulance on your behalf.

Dangerous area.jpg?format=webp@FUNNIEST SIGNS EVER/ Daily Humor/

19. What caring store owners!

We hope that after this sign, the visitors of the store who stole things there will become ashamed and they will stop committing terrible acts! However, for the store owners, there are several ways out of this situation, in addition to a funny announcement. They can use anti-theft devices such as security tags, electronic article surveillance (EAS) systems, and lockable display cases to protect high-value items. Also, shop owners can rearrange their store layout to ensure better visibility, and make sure that high-value items are displayed in prominent, well-lit areas.

What caring store owners.jpg?format=webp@Gositi/ 

20. Surprisingly!

We suspect that employees might be offended by seeing this sign. However, most likely, one of the employees pissed off the boss, so he could put up this sign. By the way, it’s important to remember that building healthy relationships with colleagues and superiors is essential for a productive work environment.  It is important to remember that respect, professionalism, and good communication are key to developing a successful and fulfilling career. Of course, building a good relationship with your boss is essential to your success in your job and your overall career development.

Surprisingly.jpg?format=webp@These Times Signs are Absolutely Hilarious - You Have to See What Happens Next!/ BossDT/

21. No Karen and superheroes!

I wonder why supermen are not allowed to enter this restaurant. Some superheroes have secret identities that they need to protect, so they may choose not to go to restaurants or other public places to avoid being recognized and having their secret identity exposed. Apparently, the owners of this place decided that Karen should not visit their establishment either. Kind of inhospitable, isn't it? However, in a regular mask and a gas mask, you will be welcome! We can assume that this sign was created when the coronavirus was raging. Then everything makes sense!

No Karen and superheroes.jpg?format=webp@FUNNIEST SIGNS EVER/ Daily Humor/

22. We think John will be fired soon!

We suspect that this humorous sign is the first warning for John, and then he will be fired if he continues to mess around. If you are under threat of being fired, you should know your legal rights and protections. If you feel that you have been discriminated against or unfairly terminated, consult with an employment attorney or your local labor department. Start preparing for your next steps, whether that means finding a new job, exploring education or training programs, or starting your own business. Also, it’s a good idea to update your resume and network with contacts in your field.

We think John will be fired soon.jpg?format=webp@These Times Signs are Absolutely Hilarious - You Have to See What Happens Next!/ BossDT/

23. Both funny and sad!

Perhaps this is one of the wittiest signs of the pandemic. However, if social distance is good during the spread of viruses, then keeping it with the person from whom you borrowed money is a very bad idea. Also, people who lend and then do not get their money back often do not know how to behave in a similar situation. Firstly, you need to ask when they plan to repay you. Be polite and professional in your approach, and try to keep the conversation calm and respectful. If you are unable to recover the money, try to learn from the experience and be cautious about loaning money in the future.

Both funny and sad.jpg?format=webp@These Times Signs are Absolutely Hilarious - You Have to See What Happens Next!/ BossDT/

24. So where to turn?

It’s not clear where to drive if you look at this sign! However, let's think philosophically. The answer is simple: it's better to turn whichever way leads to your destination! Unless, of course, you're trying to take the scenic route - in which case, it's always better to turn whichever way looks more interesting or picturesque. But if you're really stuck on whether to turn right or left, you could just trust your instincts and go with your gut. After all, sometimes the best adventures are the ones that take us in unexpected directions!

So where to turn.jpg?format=webp@The Most Hilarious Signs Ever/ Dumbas/

25. Pure truth!

Fast driving, however, is very dangerous for health and life! At high speeds, the time it takes for a driver to react to a situation is reduced. As a result, it's possible that a motorist won't be able to respond quickly enough to prevent a crash. The longer it takes for a car to halt, the faster it is moving. In the event of a collision, the force of impact is greater at higher speeds. This means that the risk of serious injury or death is higher for drivers, passengers, and pedestrians.

Pure truth.jpg?format=webp@These Times Signs are Absolutely Hilarious - You Have to See What Happens Next!/ BossDT/

26. Hell for those who don't like the cold

Many people struggle through the winter, trying not to leave the house, because they do not like the cold. However, in everything you should look for the positive and know what can make it easier to survive the cold! During winter eating warm, nourishing foods like soups and stews can help to keep your body warm and provide the necessary nutrients to keep you healthy. Keep in mind that staying hydrated is still crucial even in the cold. You can maintain good health and help control your body temperature by consuming adequate water. 

Hell for those who don't like the cold.jpg?format=webp@These Times Signs are Absolutely Hilarious - You Have to See What Happens Next!/ BossDT/

27. I wonder who they called elephants

We suspect that the authors of this sign called «elephants» people who drive badly. It is unlikely that real elephants were meant. However, let's have some fun with this question! While elephants are known for their impressive strength and intelligence, they might have a hard time fitting behind the wheel of a car - not to mention using the pedals and steering wheel with their big, clumsy trunks! Plus, they would need to pass a driving test, obtain a license, and follow traffic laws just like everyone else. And can you imagine how cute it would be to see a little elephant trunk sticking out the window as it cruises down the road?

27. I wonder who they called elephants.jpg?format=webp@The Most Hilarious Signs Ever/ Dumbas/

28. Why “no”?

I wonder what this sign could mean! It is difficult to answer this question without more context, as a "no" sign could mean different things depending on the situation. However, in general, a "no" sign is used to indicate that something is not allowed or prohibited. Can we assume that on this road it is forbidden to speed or eat while driving? Or maybe this road should not be driven at all? Well, we have more questions than answers! But it's more interesting to live like that!

Why “no”.jpg?format=webp@Funny Signs That Were Clearly Made By Funny People/Delight Humor/

29. Sounds funny!

It is interesting what the author of this sign wanted to say, at the bottom of which one more word is hidden under the snow. I wonder what? Let's think about what animals do well. Animals are incredibly diverse and have a wide range of skills and abilities that they do well, depending on their species and environment. For example, many animals are incredibly fast runners, including cheetahs, horses, and greyhounds. These animals have adapted to be able to move quickly to catch prey or avoid predators. So maybe the word "run" was hidden underneath? And the author of the sign advised drivers to drive fast? How do you like this idea?

Sounds funny.jpg?format=webp@The Most Hilarious Signs Ever/ Dumbas/

30. The moment when anyone becomes a gentleman!

Of course, before entering the toilet with such a sign, everyone pretends to be a gentleman, because no one wants to look for another toilet. But in fact, being a gentleman is not so difficult! Good manners are an essential part of being a gentleman. Practice saying "please" and "thank you," hold doors open for others, and use proper etiquette in social situations. Self-discipline is a key characteristic of a gentleman. Develop healthy habits, such as regular exercise and a balanced diet, and work to eliminate bad habits, such as smoking or excessive drinking.

The moment when anyone becomes a gentleman.jpg?format=webp@TidbitsfromJapan/ 

31. Born wild

Oh, the irony. Birds probably don't have the same ability to read as humans, and they certainly won't be reading signs anytime soon. But how nice it is when a bird comes and perches on a no birds sign and doesn't care about the rules and regulations. Maybe the bird thought it was seeing something familiar, because the image's shadowy silhouette looks like a rebellious bird defying no-bird signs. In any case, he didn't. 

31. Born wild.jpg?format=webp@Chansa/Freddy Tiger/

32. As long as there is bacon

For some people, bacon is the most important thing, and this logo is proof of that. Forget poetry, come in because there's bacon. Even the logo behind it has been on theme, and it's clear the restaurant is making its priorities clear.

32. As long as there is bacon.jpg?format=webp@ohsureyoudo/

33. Win-win situation

Everyone loves a bargain, but we all know that nothing is free in life. That doesn't mean we don't jump at the first sign with the word "free" on it and get interested in what's on offer.

This clever marketing trick will attract money savers who will see the sale proposal and realize it's all a ruse. In a way, this makes sense - once you pay for it, you can use it for free... maybe.

33. Win-win situation.jpg?format=webp@RedditRocks2021/

34. A sign for a sign

If you expect a sign and don't know what to do next, consider that you've actually seen it. "Welcome to Las Vegas. Sign." How do you like it? Perhaps Las Vegas won't solve your problems, but it will definitely make the time spent there unforgettable.

34.A sign for a sign.jpg?format=webp@Sign Not In Use' Top Useless Road Signs)/Delight Humor/

35. Okay, okay, me

When your teacher warned you that you didn't speak up enough in class but the instant you did, you got in trouble, do you remember how that felt? Well, when a "STOP" sign is placed next to a "no stopping at any time" sign, it appears to lead to the same kind of difficult decision-making.

Which do you choose to hear? Ironically, these signals could result in many more accidents if people don't know what to do once they reach this stage.

35. Okay, okay, me.jpg?format=webp@PBJillyTime825/

36. Sectors of opportunity

Although the humor in this sign isn't immediately apparent, once you see it, you probably won't be able to forget it. Although the phrase "fields of opportunity" isn't wholly false, it is an oxymoron, we must admit.

It almost seems as though Iowa decided to combine the phrases "a window of opportunity" with "field of dreams." Even though we know that Iowa is a state brimming with opportunities, we nonetheless find ourselves chuckling at its welcome sign.

36. Sectors of Opportunity.jpg?format=webp@lamentforanation/

37. Welcome to your childhood!

A wonderful advertisement that urges you to take a moment to feel like a child and allow yourself some mischief. Perhaps, sometimes it's worth letting go of your adult self and just relax, as this fantastic sign suggests.

37.Welcome to your childhood! .jpg?format=webp@Sign Not In Use' Top Useless Road Signs)/Delight Humor/

38. Private event

This sign raises many questions. What private event could be happening in the men's restroom? It's very loud and ambiguous. It would be interesting to see this event or at least understand where to get the ticket. Maybe there's something truly fascinating and worth attention going on there.

38.Private event.jpg?format=webp@These Times Signs are Absolutely Hilarious #5/BossDT/

39. A significant occurrence

Traveling to different nations and towns allows you to explore their cultures and learn about their histories and sceneries. Recognizing the significance of this for tourists, several cities now use placards outlining historical events to explain the history behind historical landmarks.

Not though, this one. This town made fun of the situation because it was sick of watching other towns and cities put up signs explaining their histories and traditions all over the place.

39. A Significant Occurrence.jpg?format=webp@kam1sh/

40. About the painful point

It seems this sign was created by someone who grew tired of injustice in the world. Unfortunately, the creator of the sign is somewhat right. "Stop making stupid people famous" looks like a call for reason and caution in choosing heroes to elevate to stardom. In the modern world, it often appears that underrated things with real value are replaced by noisy and empty events.

40.About the painful point.jpg?format=webp@These Times Signs are Absolutely Hilarious #5/BossDT/

41. Parents, Pay Attention!

A strong reminder for parents who enjoy neglecting their children and shifting their responsibility onto others. The authors of this post creatively approached the task of creating their sign, and most importantly, did it with humor. It's a playful way to remind everyone about the importance of keeping an eye on our little ones. Let's cherish the laughter, but also ensure our children are safe and well-cared for!

41.Parents, Pay Attention!.jpg?format=webp@These Times Signs are Absolutely Hilarious #5/BossDT/

42. Puzzle on the tree

This sign is a real navigation puzzle that can confuse even the best orienteers. But if you've found it, congratulations – you're a true master of humor and adventure! May this maze of arrows always fill your life's path with laughter and joy? Perhaps, it's just a whimsical joke, but even if it throws you off balance, you can laugh at this little adventure!

42.Puzzle on the tree .jpg?format=webp@Sign Not In Use' Top Useless Road Signs)/Delight Humor/

43. Funny ice cream flavors

Rita's Italian ice cream parlor gives the saying "I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream" a different spin. The neighborhood manager made the decision to crack a joke with his clients, adding to the overall joy that all of his clients feel as they leave the ice cream parlor.

The manager got creative and turned a fitting quote into his own humorous creation by thinking outside the box for the sign beneath the chain's emblem.

43. Funny Ice Cream Flavors.jpg?format=webp@ididthejobboss/

44. Important Reminder

In the modern world, it's hard to imagine a cafe or restaurant without Wi-Fi. We don't even consider the possibility because we've grown accustomed to solving our issues through the internet, constantly scrolling through something, or simply chatting with someone online. This sign serves as a reminder of how important it is to sometimes put our phones aside and engage in offline conversations with our loved ones.

44.Important Reminder.jpg?format=webp@SIGNS THAT ARE WAY TOO FUNNY/BossDT/

45. Strange episode

Did someone really dare to press the buttons with their genitals, or how else can one explain such a message in the elevator? Of course, it's hard to imagine, but perhaps the author of the sign has indisputable evidence. And now, how people will use this elevator after this - that's an even more intriguing question.

45.Strange episode.jpg?format=webp@These Times Signs are Absolutely Hilarious #5/BossDT/

46. Prepare, hold, kiss

Many couples must separate themselves on the train station before parting ways, whether it be for a little while or for a long time. The platform is not merely a place to take a ride to your place of work or leisure activity.

Get ready for the lengthy hugs and good-byes, which, by this sign, shouldn't go on for more than three minutes. There might have been too much PDA for people to handle, therefore the sign was put up to discourage it.

46. Prepare, Hold, Kiss.jpg?format=webp@kome_oghene/

47. Dietary limitations

Animal activists are constantly concerned about the safety and welfare of their four-legged pets. Since it is always banned to feed any animals at a zoo, this sign aimed to bring some comedy to additional safety measures that must be taken when around these animals.

They made a comedy out of feeding the animals while guarding themselves against any potential risks or dangers during their visit in order to assure the visitor's safety.

47. Dietary Limitations.jpg?format=webp@Microsoft Sam Reads Funny Signs (HQ Reupload)/ENunn/

48. Do not remove the seat, please

Make sure you don't have any plans to saw the seats the next time you use the subway because it is against the law to do so on a train. These amusing subway rules begin with a very standard directive that no one should place their feet on the chairs.

But as the list of images grows longer, the directions grow harder to understand. Simply move, sit, and arrive at your desired location without breaking any restrictions.

48. Do not remove the seat, please.jpg?format=webp@halixol/

49. Important reason for respect

It's very difficult to imagine learning without the help of the internet nowadays. After all, there's a wealth of information available online without putting in significant effort. However, our parents managed to do it without the internet, and they still earned good grades. So, the author of the sign does have a point – for this reason alone, we should respect our parents.

49.Important Reason for Respect.jpg?format=webp@SIGNS THAT ARE WAY TOO FUNNY/BossDT/

50. Compelling sign

This is the most compelling sign I have ever seen. If instant death does not frighten someone too much, the agony most likely will make them stop. To save someone's life, the author of this sign has put in maximum effort. Now, no one can say they were not informed.

50.Compelling Sign.jpg?format=webp@These Times Signs are Absolutely Hilarious #5/BossDT/
