Our Ranking from Most to Least Useless — Though None Are Worth Your Cash

20 Sep 2024

From sleek electric can openers to garlic presses and avocado mashers, countless clever kitchen gadgets promise to simplify your cooking experience. But are these tools truly worth your investment? And do they actually make a significant difference? This is: Kitchen Appliances Ranked... Stay tuned until the end to discover the biggest letdowns of the bunch!

Pasta Maker

Who doesn’t love a tasty bowl of pasta, right? From classic spaghetti to comforting mac ‘n’ cheese, pasta is a staple in countless American homes. But do you stick with store-bought, or are you someone who enjoys making it from scratch?

1. Pasta Maker.jpg?format=webp@sammers510/reddit.com

A high-quality pasta maker can set you back anywhere from $60 to $300. But with the rising cost of living, is it really worth investing that much when you can grab a packet of pasta at the store for under a dollar?

Hands-Free Bag Holder

This could be one of the more practical kitchen gadgets, making the task of transferring items into a bag much easier. However, with a price tag of around $10, is it really worth the expense?

2. Hands-Free Bag Holder.jpg?format=webp@Jokari Suction Cup Fortified Baggy Rack/ubuy.com

For those who freeze-dry or dehydrate their foods for storage, this little gadget can be quite useful. Ultimately, it comes down to personal preference and how often you'll actually use a hands-free bag holder.

Pizza Oven for Your Countertop

Pizza lovers, this one's for you! While some might see it as an unnecessary and pricey kitchen gadget, the countertop pizza oven is a handy device that allows you to cook your delicious pizza right on your countertop.

3. Pizza Oven for Your Countertop.jpg?format=webp@Adequateblogger/reddit.com

For a smaller countertop pizza oven, you can expect to spend between $60 and $90. Larger, higher-end models can cost up to $350. It's worth considering whether you want to invest in a kitchen appliance that essentially replaces your oven. However, we believe it's one of the more practical gadgets you could own.

Breakfast Station

Thanks to Hollywood movies, many people have a certain image of what breakfast should look like. But honestly, who has the time to prepare a full breakfast for the family before rushing off to work and school in the morning?

4. Breakfast Station.jpg?format=webp@yaradebs/reddit.com

The breakfast station includes a mini-oven for toasting and cooking bacon, a warmer for a coffee pot, and a mini griddle for eggs and sausages. It typically ranges in price from $60 to $200. The final choice rests in your hands.

Quesadilla Maker

Imagine a warm, cheesy, meat-filled quesadilla with minimal effort—just place the fillings between the bread in the machine. You can make this a reality by spending around $20 on a countertop quesadilla maker.

5. Quesadilla Maker.jpg?format=webp@chas3_1/reddit.com

Will it end up being just another appliance taking up space on your countertops until you crave quesadillas? Yes. But is it worth it considering the delicious results you can achieve with it? Also yes.

Omelet Maker

Omelets are incredibly delicious but can be tricky to prepare, especially when it comes to mastering that perfect flip that turns your egg mixture into a true omelet. If only there were an easier way to achieve this.

6. Omelet Maker.jpg?format=webp@lwhc92/reddit.com

An omelet maker might be the solution to your omelet-making challenges. But are you willing to spend $30 to $60 on a kitchen appliance that might—or might not—ease your struggles?

A Burger Maker

Forget about store-bought burgers when you can invest a few dollars in a burger maker and craft your own tasty burgers right at home. Just think about the ability to customize the thickness and ingredients of your delicious creations.

7. A Burger Maker.jpg?format=webp@No-Location-3624/reddit.com

A burger maker might seem like another unnecessary kitchen gadget but it can be a game-changer for those who like to control what goes into their food and enjoy crafting homemade burgers. Is this type of investment on your radar?

Cupcake Maker

Moms and home bakers are all too familiar with the challenge of baking batch after batch of cupcakes for fundraisers, bake sales or events. A cupcake maker can simplify the process, reducing mess and the risk of unevenly baked treats.

8. Cupcake Maker.jpg?format=webp@Cake-Maker/steba.com

While cleaning a cupcake maker can be tricky, many find it more useful than other appliances on this list. Do you have a cupcake maker? If so, would you recommend it as a must-have for others?

Warming Ice Cream Scoop

All right, bear with us on this one. Scooping ice cream can be a frustrating and daunting task, especially when the ice cream is too hard and refuses to form a perfect scoop, no matter how hard you try.

9. Warming Ice Cream Scoop.jpg?format=webp@78769/reddit.com

A warming ice cream scoop can simplify the task of getting that perfect scoop. While you could always heat your scoop under running hot water, why go through all that effort when a specialized tool can do the job for you?

Garlic Press

Garlic is incredibly versatile in the kitchen, often used to enhance the flavor of otherwise bland dishes. The best part is that it's easy to prepare and doesn't require any fancy gadgets or appliances.

10. Garlic Press.jpg?format=webp@How to Mince Garlic Cloves/eatingonadime.com

Why use a garlic press when you can easily mince garlic with a knife? Yet, here it is — a garlic press designed to help with mincing garlic for dishes like bolognese or stew. It might seem like a bit of a splurge to us.

Popcorn Machine

With so many delicious microwave popcorn flavors available, do you really need to own a popcorn machine? Some say yes, but with prices ranging from $30 to $200, is it really worth the investment?

11. Popcorn Machine.jpg?format=webp@Ok-Interaction-7955/reddit.com

We think we'll stick with microwave popcorn, thanks. After all, who needs another kitchen gadget that takes up counter space or is just another tricky appliance to clean? This is one we’ll likely skip altogether.

Soda Maker

The soda maker might seem like a fun gadget but in reality, it can be more trouble than it’s worth. Getting the right mix of syrup and water can be tricky, and sometimes the drink turns out flat or overly fizzy. Plus, cleaning it afterward can be a sticky nightmare.

12. Soda Maker.jpg?format=webp@Infinite-Barracuda97/reddit.com

Why go through all that hassle when you can simply grab a soda from the fridge? Plus, why spend money on something that feels a bit outdated in today’s world? It seems like a bit of a waste of time, doesn’t it?

Home Deep Fryer

The idea of homemade fries and crispy chicken is tempting but the reality of using a home deep fryer is far from simple. From the greasy cleanup to the hassle of filling it with oil, a deep fryer can be more trouble than it's worth.

13. Home Deep Fryer.jpg?format=webp@derrick36/reddit.com

It might have its appeal but let’s face it — it’s likely to end up gathering dust at the back of the kitchen cupboard, alongside many other gadgets from this list. Save yourself the money and skip it altogether.

Bread Maker

A breadmaker might promise the allure of freshly baked bread with minimal effort but often, the reality is a disappointment, with loaves that end up looking more like bricks than the delicious bread you envisioned.

14. Bread Maker.jpg?format=webp@lidlmalta/facebook.com

In short, a bread maker often reminds us that some things are best left to the professionals. Next time you're tempted by the idea of homemade bread, consider finding a good local baker instead to save yourself money and effort.

Electric Egg Cooker

Ah, the electric egg cooker. While it promises perfectly cooked eggs with minimal effort, it can sometimes miss the mark, leaving your eggs either undercooked or resembling small rubber balls.

15. Electric Egg Cooker.jpg?format=webp@ProgressCookshop/facebook.com

In the end, the electric egg cooker often turns out to be an empty promise, wasting both money and counter space. Be honest with yourself about how often you really eat eggs — it just doesn’t seem worth it.

Salad Spinner

Despite its promises of making salad prep a breeze, a salad spinner often ends up leaving you with soggy lettuce and a sense of regret for spending your hard-earned money on yet another seemingly useless kitchen gadget.

16. Salad Spinner.jpg?format=webp@kitchenstuffplus/facebook.com

A salad spinner often proves to be more trouble than it's worth, occupying valuable space in your kitchen. Save yourself the hassle and expense by sticking to the old-fashioned method of drying your greens with a kitchen towel.

Microwavable Bacon Cooker

The microwavable bacon cooker often turns out to be a rather pointless kitchen gadget, leaving you with a greasy mess and limp strips of bacon that fall short of the crispy perfection you crave. At least, that's our take on it.

17. Microwavable Bacon Cooker.jpg?format=webp@nziegler/imgur.com

Yes, it’s convenient and may even include a handy drip tray feature but does it really compare to freshly fried bacon? No, it doesn’t. Stick to the tried-and-true method of cooking bacon and save yourself the disappointment.

Meat Shredding Claws

Meat-shredding claws might look like fierce tools designed to make shredding meat a breeze but in reality, they can be a kitchen nightmare, creating a huge mess and making it feel more like a battle than just preparing pulled pork for taco night.

18. Meat Shredding Claws.jpg?format=webp@kallie.staley.7/facebook.com

Don’t let another useless kitchen gadget clutter your kitchen. Leave the meat-shredding claws where they belong—on the store shelf. You don’t need them, and both your sanity and kitchen space will thank you.

Smart Water Bottle

The smart water bottle may seem like a modern gimmick you don’t really need or want. While it boasts fancy features like keeping your water cool and sending hydration reminders, it can quickly become more of a nuisance than a benefit.

19. Smart Water Bottle.jpg?format=webp@aquameco/facebook.com

Despite its beeps and buzzes, it can’t change the flavor of your water. It’s still just water, so why not save yourself the expense and stick with a simple glass or a more affordable water bottle that does the job just fine?

Yogurt Maker

A yogurt maker often turns out to be another disappointing kitchen gadget. It promises to help you make homemade yogurt quickly and easily but more often than not, it delivers nothing but a sour mess.

20. Yogurt Maker.jpg?format=webp@homesteadingfamily/facebook.com

Unfortunately, this kitchen appliance often ends up being a waste of money, ingredients, and space, leaving you yearning for store-bought yogurt. Stick to the dairy aisle for your yogurt fix and skip the yogurt maker.

Taco Holder

Are you searching for a kitchen gadget to keep your tacos together and prevent the ingredients from spilling out? You might want to skip the taco holder — it's often a flimsy gimmick that fails to do its job effectively.

21. Taco Holder.jpg?format=webp@Genware/facebook.com

The taco holder often turns out to be more of a taco disappointment than a practical solution, leaving you wondering why you invested in such a useless contraption. Save your hard-earned money and skip it altogether.

Cookie Dipper

The cookie dipper promises to make cookie dipping easier and less messy but it often ends up being a soggy disappointment. Instead of reducing the mess, it frequently leaves your cookies in a soggy heap at the bottom of your milk.

22. Cookie Dipper.jpg?format=webp@Ultimate-Cookie-Dipper/facebook.com

This is one kitchen gadget you’ll want to skip. Save yourself the hassle and use your hands to dunk your favorite cookies. After all, half the fun is getting your fingers covered in that chocolate cookie goodness.

A Fondue Set

Unless you’re hosting a ’70s-themed party, there’s really no need to buy or own a fondue set. Despite its retro charm, it often leaves you with a clumpy mess instead of the gooey, cheesy dipping delight you might hope for.

23. A Fondue Set.jpg?format=webp@Wild_Permission8774/reddit.com

We get the appeal of gathering around a bubbling pot of melted cheese with friends. But are you really willing to spend money on an appliance that will likely gather dust in the back of your kitchen cupboard for years? We don’t think so.

Electric Salt and Pepper Grinders

Electric salt and pepper grinders embody luxury kitchen gadgets and promise convenience for adding flavor to your dishes. However, despite their sleek design and futuristic appeal, are they truly worth the investment?

24. Electric Salt and Pepper Grinders.jpg?format=webp@xiwaniker/facebook.com

We don’t think so and have often found that these gadgets tend to malfunction more often than they work properly, dispensing too much or too little seasoning. Opt for a manual salt and pepper grinder to save yourself both money and effort.

Pickle Picker

Just when you thought you’d seen every useless kitchen gadget imaginable, here comes the pickle picker. Yes, you read that right — a gadget designed specifically to help you retrieve pickles from the jar.

25. Pickle Picker.jpg?format=webp@Pickle Picker Pincher Fork/handyhousewares.com

While most people would use a fork to retrieve their pickles, the creators of the pickle picker decided that wasn’t sufficient and designed a long fork-like tool to stab and grab the pickle for you. Um, no thanks. We’ll just use a fork.

Pancake Crayon

If you’re aiming to add some culinary creativity to your breakfast, you might enjoy the pancake crayon — a large pouring bottle with a crayon design that allows you to create little shapes or even draw pictures in your pan using pancake batter.

26. Pancake Crayon.jpg?format=webp@SuperSqueeze Batter Bottle/bydash.com

Here’s a secret tip: you can use a ketchup or mustard bottle to achieve the same effect. Save your money and use what you already have, or, if you’re like us, stick to traditional pancakes and leave the drawing to the kids.

Electric Can Opener

If you think an electric can opener will save you from the effort of opening cans manually, you might be right. However, have you considered the extra effort it requires to use and the space it occupies on your counter?

27. Electric Can Opener.jpg?format=webp@liss.ruiz85/facebook.com

Sure, it may seem like a nifty gadget but what if the power goes out? And are you really willing to spend your hard-earned money on something that adds an extra step to an already simple task?

Asparagus Steamer

The asparagus steamer is a kitchen gadget designed to make cooking your vegetables—especially asparagus—easier. But have you ever truly needed one? Asparagus is already quite simple to prepare.

28. Asparagus Steamer.jpg?format=webp@Asparagus steamer/cristel.com

We believe an asparagus steamer takes up too much space on the stove and often leaves your asparagus mushy instead of delicious. Bottom line? Stick to simpler methods for cooking your asparagus to achieve better results.

Baby Food Maker

While we’re on the topic of useless kitchen appliances, let’s discuss those pricey — often excessively so — specialized baby food makers. They might seem like a nice-to-have, especially with their special food pots but they’re not truly necessary.

29. Baby Food Maker.jpg?format=webp@evlaskids/facebook.com

Firstly, it’s incredibly bulky and takes up valuable space. Secondly, it’s extremely time-consuming and involves multiple steps to make purees that could be prepared with a simple blender or food processor. It’s a no from us.

Electric Vino Opener

Is using a traditional corkscrew or wine opener becoming a bit much for you? An electric wine opener could be a convenient alternative. While it may make opening wine bottles a breeze, there are a few considerations we’d like to highlight.

30. Electric Vino Opener.jpg?format=webp@PamperedChef/facebook.com

Firstly, an electric wine opener can often get stuck mid-uncorking, leaving you with a mess and a cork that’s still stuck. Secondly, it requires batteries or charging to operate. And third, it can be quite pricey. Do yourself a favor and stick with the good old corkscrew.

Pizza Scissors

The pizza scissor claims to slice your pizza with expert precision but despite its sharp blades and handy design, it often leaves you with a mess of toppings and a crust that’s more torn than neatly cut.

31. Pizza Scissors.jpg?format=webp@SharperImagedotcom/facebook.com

This gadget can be awkward to maneuver and requires a bit of patience to use. With many other alternatives, like a pizza cutter or a sharp knife that can do the job just as well, is a specialized scissor really necessary? We don’t believe so.

Microwave S’Mores Maker

You never know when a S’mores craving might strike, right? Traditionally a campfire treat, a microwavable s’mores maker offers a convenient way to enjoy s’mores anytime. However, it can be quite a messy gadget to clean afterward.

32. Microwave S’Mores Maker.jpg?format=webp@Kitchen Gadgets Tested|Clever or Never/howtocookthat.net

Why not save your S’more-making for the campfire and save some money while you’re at it? You really don’t need another gadget that will just take up space in your kitchen cupboard and make cleaning more of a hassle.

Magic Tap

Here it is, folks — the gadget you’ve been waiting for to help your kids make an even bigger mess when pouring milk into their cereal or filling a glass with water or juice: the Magic Tap. We just can’t get over how pointless it is.

33. Magic Tap.jpg?format=webp@NMDUnited/facebook.com

While it might help the little ones be a bit more independent, spending your hard-earned money on a gimmick like this won’t really save you time or effort. It’s a big no from us, and we recommend steering clear of it, too.

Pancake Printer

Unless you plan on making pancakes every other day, the pancake printer is one of the most useless kitchen appliances we’ve mentioned. Sure, it can create cute designs on your pancakes but it takes time to set up and often leaves your pancakes looking less than appealing.

34. Pancake Printer.jpg?format=webp@A machine that prints pancakes/alaskaair.com

We suggest leaving this for those with endless amounts of money or countertop space, or for anyone looking to outdo their friends at a pancake cook-off. Add this to your “waste of money” list and steer clear of the pancake printer.

Corn Kernel Stripper

The corn kernel stripper might seem like a handy gadget that promises to effortlessly remove corn kernels from the cob but it can turn out to be more of a hassle than a help. Despite its simple purpose, it often leads to frustration.

35. Corn Kernel Stripper.jpg?format=webp@zahrastores.pk/facebook.com

It’s very awkward to use and requires precise alignment to effectively remove kernels whole. We suggest sticking with the tried-and-tested method of using a knife for a simpler and more efficient corn-stripping experience.

Banana Slicer

Despite its seemingly simple design and promise to help slice bananas, a banana slicer can turn out to be a real hassle to use and clean, especially since it doesn’t accommodate bananas of all sizes.

36. Banana Slicer.jpg?format=webp@Banana Slicer/wowbazaar.co.in

What happened to the good old days of using a knife to slice a banana as a snack? While we appreciate the effort to create a gadget that aims to make our lives easier, we’re just not convinced it’s worth the cost.

Pie Bird

The pie bird is a cute and charming kitchen accessory designed to prevent your pie filling from bubbling over. However, in our opinion, it’s nothing more than a pricey gimmick that doesn’t really serve a practical purpose.

37. Pie Bird.jpg?format=webp@Fun-Highway-6179/reddit.com

Why buy yet another gadget that will likely end up in a drawer, taking up space, when you can simply use a knife to create a slit in the crust? We really can’t understand why this is even considered a useful kitchen gadget.

Avocado Masher

The avocado masher can be useful for mashing avocados for guacamole or toast but it can end up being more of a hassle than a help. Its bulky design takes up valuable space in your drawer or cupboard.

38. Avocado Masher.jpg?format=webp@Avocado masher/kulina.ie

Another issue we’ve found is that the masher doesn’t evenly mash the avocado, leaving chunks and lumps instead of a smooth, creamy texture. We suggest saving yourself some money and using a fork or potato masher instead. They both work just as well and don’t require any extra purchases.

Egg Separator

Neatly separating egg whites from yolks for baking or cooking can be tricky. While some use the shells, others might try internet hacks or spend money on an egg separator. But in our view, an egg separator is just a waste of money.

39. Egg Separator.jpg?format=webp@katrinamatinabodega.com.ph/facebook.com

One of the biggest issues with the egg separator is that it can be tricky to use, and you might end up wasting a few eggs before you get the hang of it. Instead, stick to using your hands or the shells, just as our ancestors have done for centuries.

Tuna Press

The tuna press is just another kitchen gadget that promises to drain tuna cans with ease but often leaves you with a mess to clean up. Despite its intentions to streamline your meal prep, it’s a rather unnecessary addition to your kitchen.

40. Tuna Press.jpg?format=webp@Stainless Steel Food Can Strainer Sieve Tuna Press/fruugo.co.uk

From leaving behind a soggy mess to adding another dish to your pile of dirty dishes, we can’t say much positive about the tuna press other than that it looks cute. Save your counter space and money by using a strainer or fork instead. It’s that simple.

Over 40 Time-Saving Kitchen Tricks for the Efficiency-Minded Cook

If you're anything like us, you might dislike cooking but love eating great food. Unfortunately, savoring a delicious meal means you have to put in some kitchen time. Fortunately, some clever cooking hacks can simplify and speed up food preparation. Here are over 40 ingenious tips for the effortlessly lazy chef who still craves quality meals.

A Fast and Nutritious Snack

Sometimes, you just don't feel up to preparing a full snack, or perhaps you're in a rush and don't have time to make a healthy breakfast. Don’t worry — this hack has you covered.

1. A Fast and Nutritious Snack.jpg?format=webp@Clean_Comedian3227/reddit.com

Just pour some oats into an almost empty jar of peanut butter. It’s a tasty, nutritious, and effortless option that makes sure you use up those last bits of peanut butter. If you have a bit more time and want to get a little fancy, you can also add fruit or nuts to the mix.

Keep Garlic On Hand

Many delicious recipes call for fresh garlic, which can be a hassle to peel and chop, and can leave your hands smelling like garlic all day. This hack involves a bit of initial prep work but will save you a lot of effort in the long run.

2. Keep Garlic On Hand.jpg?format=webp@yrntmysupervisor/reddit.com

Take a whole bunch of garlic, peel and chop it, then place it in an ice cube tray and freeze it. This way, when you need garlic, it'll be ready to use.

Use One Chicken for Everything

To have enough chicken for various dishes, just buy one large rotisserie chicken. You can portion it out and use it over several days — or even a week! Craving a chicken salad? No problem — you'll already have the chicken prepared and ready to go!

3. Use One Chicken for Everything.jpg?format=webp@Rommel619/reddit.com

Craving chicken soup? No need to cook the chicken chunks separately — just add them to some broth and your favorite soup vegetables! Why spend time preparing different meals each day when you can use one versatile chicken for the entire week?

Create a BBQ Flavor with Smoked Paprika

If you love BBQ flavor but don't want to spend hours at the grill, there's a simple solution. Adding smoked paprika to your dishes will infuse them with that deep, smoky taste reminiscent of BBQ.

4. Create a BBQ Flavor with Smoked Paprika.jpg?format=webp@Smoke-Roasted Chicken Thighs With Paprika/cooking.nytimes.com

Is it exactly the same as food cooked on a grill? Unfortunately, no. But is it a fantastic substitute for those who don’t enjoy barbecuing or don’t have space for a large grill? Absolutely.

Purchase Frozen Items

Frozen items can be surprisingly delicious and are definitely more convenient than making pastries from scratch. If you want to add a personal touch to your desserts, you can always customize them to suit your taste.

5. Purchase Frozen Items.jpg?format=webp@kekeprom/reddit.com

Add a splash of vanilla extract or a sprinkle of cocoa powder to your pastry before baking. There's no limit to the ways you can customize a basic pastry to make it uniquely yours.

When Unsure, Opt for Instant

Instant foods, like instant mashed potatoes, are popular for a reason. Although there might be some stigma around them, let’s face it — sometimes you crave mashed potatoes but don’t want to spend hours in the kitchen preparing them.

6. When Unsure, Opt for Instant.jpg?format=webp@Cinderellanzfood/facebook.com

You can always add a special spice or sauce to your instant food to give it a personalized touch and make it taste like it was made from scratch. Or, simply let everyone know it’s instant — there’s no shame in that.

A Quick and Personalized Pizza

You don’t need to spend hours preparing dough to make pizza. You don't even have to defrost a large pre-made dough, especially if you’re just cooking for yourself.

7. A Quick and Personalized Pizza.jpg?format=webp@BloodIsLikeMyCoffee/reddit.com

Instead, use a flour tortilla or pita bread as your base. Spread marinara sauce on it, add some cheese and your favorite toppings, then bake it in the oven for five minutes. Voilà — your personal pizza is ready.

The Trick to Shredding Chicken

There was a time when cooking took hours but not anymore. Today, we have plenty of technology to make things easier. Are you making the most of all your kitchen gadgets?

8. The Trick to Shredding Chicken.jpg?format=webp@snowieduckie/reddit.com

For instance, you no longer need to manually shred chicken. Simply use a mixer, and your chicken will be shredded in seconds. Who would have thought mixers could do more than just mix?

Keep Potatoes Stocked

Potatoes are incredibly versatile and can be used for meals at almost any time of day. Spend a little time now and then to cut and boil potatoes, then store them in the fridge for easy use.

9. Keep Potatoes Stocked.jpg?format=webp@Temporary_Level2999/reddit.com

This way, you'll have half the work done when you need a quick meal. You can simply toss them in a pan with some butter or oil and spices for a super fast and easy bite.

Mac and Cheese Popcorn

Elevate your popcorn to a special treat by using instant macaroni and cheese packets to season it. Simply pop your popcorn in the microwave as usual, then mix in the cheese powder for a unique twist.

10. Mac and Cheese Popcorn.jpg?format=webp@summerstormh/reddit.com

Once you transfer the popcorn to a bowl, sprinkle the macaroni and cheese powder on top and mix it well. With that done, you'll be set for a movie night, a Netflix binge, a quick snack, or even all three.

Easily Clean a Blender

Cleaning a blender can be tricky, especially with the risk of cutting yourself on the blade. However, there's a quicker, easier, and — most importantly — safer method: let the blender do the work for you.

11. Easily Clean a Blender.jpg?format=webp@asdaruba/facebook.com

Fill your blender a little less than halfway with warm water (not too hot), add a bit of dish soap, secure the lid, and run the blender for a few seconds. Then, pour out the dirty water, rinse the blender, and you're all set.

Microwave Garlic for Effortless Peeling

Peeling garlic can be a tedious task that leaves a strong odor on your hands but it doesn’t have to be. Heating the garlic slightly can save you a lot of time and effort.

12. Microwave Garlic for Effortless Peeling.jpg?format=webp@Garlic: Cooking/medium.com

Simply place a head of garlic in the microwave for 20 seconds, and the peels will come off easily. This method avoids dealing with juices, messes, or smelly hands — leaving you with garlic that's ready to use.

Skip Thawing Frozen Fish

You can cook fish directly from frozen, so there's no need to wait for it to thaw. While this might extend your cooking time, you'll save the time you'd otherwise spend waiting for it to reach room temperature. It all depends on how urgently you need it ready.

13. Skip Thawing Frozen Fish.jpg?format=webp@Fluffy-Cantaloupe236/reddit.com

The great thing about this method is that you don’t need to decide in advance whether you want to fish. Plus, since the fish is frozen, the spices and sauces adhere well to the surface, and the fish won’t overcook on the inside.

Shake Up Whipped Cream

Whipping cream by hand can be quite a workout but you can save that energy for the gym. Instead, shake your whipped cream. Pour heavy cream into a jar, add powdered sugar and vanilla, close the jar tightly, and shake it until it becomes fluffy.

14. Shake Up Whipped Cream.jpg?format=webp@The practical magic of Mason jar whipped cream/kingarthurbaking.com

Feel free to blast some music and dance around the house while shaking your whipped cream like a maraca—it could be the next big TikTok trend.

Try the “Underwater Method” for Pomegranates

Removing pomegranate seeds can be messy, frustrating, and seemingly impossible. Fortunately, there's a trick to efficiently extract the seeds without any hassle.

15. Try the “Underwater Method” for Pomegranates.jpg?format=webp@Pomegranate Cilantro Tabbouleh/cardamomandtea.com

First, cut the pomegranate in half and soak it in water. As you remove the seeds, they will sink to the bottom of the bowl, while the membrane and rind will float to the top. Simply drain the seeds, and you’re all set.

Save Time with Baking Soda

Preparing dishes like polenta or grits can be time-consuming and labor-intensive. However, there’s a simple trick to get them ready in half the time: add baking soda. The baking soda helps achieve the right consistency and texture with less effort.

16. Save Time with Baking Soda.jpg?format=webp@ariana-phillips-tessier/thepioneerwoman.com

Just be careful not to use too much — a pinch is all you need. For polenta, mix the baking soda with water before adding it to ensure your dish turns out perfectly creamy.

Microwave First, Then Bake

Some foods, like casseroles or lasagna, take a long time to heat up in the oven. However, microwaving them first can cause them to lose their original texture.

17. Microwave First, Then Bake.jpg?format=webp@anabelledoliner/tastingtable.com

The solution is to defrost your food in the microwave first, then finish heating it in the oven. The microwave will quickly warm the inside of the dish, while the oven will heat the exterior, preserving the texture.

Effortless Apple Pie

Warm apple pie is one of the most delicious treats but it also takes a lot of time and effort to bake. Fortunately, there’s a quicker, easier alternative to this classic dessert.

18. Effortless Apple Pie.jpg?format=webp@pibayaz/reddit.com

Cut an apple into small cubes and place them in a cup or bowl. Add butter, sugar, cinnamon, and a pinch of salt. Microwave the mixture until the apples become soft. Finally, sprinkle crushed graham crackers on top. There you have it — an apple pie in just five minutes.

Substitute Lemon Juice for Fresh Lemons

If a recipe calls for squeezing lemons or limes, save yourself some time by using bottled lemon or lime juice. It’s much less messy, and more convenient, and you won't have to worry about removing seeds.

19. Substitute Lemon Juice for Fresh Lemons.jpg?format=webp@GoAheadTACCOM/reddit.com

To be honest, the flavor won't be as fresh as if you squeezed the lemons or limes yourself. So, it's best to use this hack in recipes where the citrus is cooked or blended with other strong flavors.

Repurpose Leftovers

Leftovers don't have to go to waste, and you don't need to cook a new meal every day. But that doesn't mean you have to eat the same thing repeatedly. Instead, repurpose your leftovers into a different dish.

20. Repurpose Leftovers.jpg?format=webp@jeannette.toler/facebook.com

For instance, leftover mashed potatoes can be turned into tater tots, leftover rice can be used for a Buddha bowl or rice pudding, and pasta can be transformed into a casserole or pasta salad. You get the idea…

Opt for Dessert Mixes

Boxed dessert mixes may have a bad reputation but they’re undeniable time-savers and can taste just as good as homemade. You can even add your own twist to these mixes to make them uniquely yours.

21. Opt for Dessert Mixes.jpg?format=webp@thevintagenest/facebook.com

Add ground coffee to a chocolate cake mix for a mocha flavor, or a splash of milk to a brownie mix for extra creaminess. You can also mix in chocolate chips, coconut flakes, nuts, or any other ingredients you like.

Rescue a Broken Cake

We've all faced that frustrating moment when, after spending time and effort baking a cake, it breaks and ruins the whole look.

22. Rescue a Broken Cake.jpg?format=webp@Foolproof Chocolate Cake with Whipped Cream and Fresh Berries/domesticate-me.com

Don’t lose hope! You can easily transform a broken cake into a trifle. Just layer the cake with fruit and whipped cream, and voilà! No one will ever know that your perfect trifle was once intended to be a cake.

Any Pizza Can Be Made into Deep-Dish

Believe it or not, you can turn any pizza into a deep-dish pizza without the hassle of making it from scratch. Whether you're in Chicago or not, you can still enjoy a deep-dish pizza right at home.

23. Any Pizza Can Be Made into Deep-Dish.jpg?format=webp@Bexhill/reddit.com

Purchase a pre-made supermarket pizza, let it thaw for about 20 minutes, place it on an oiled pan, add your desired toppings, and then bake it for another 10 minutes.

Avoid Cuts with Magnets

If you've ever cut your finger on a can lid, you're not alone. Opening a can's lid can be risky, especially if you're prone to clumsy accidents.

24. Avoid Cuts with Magnets.jpg?format=webp@Zyliss Lock N' Lift Manual Can Opener/zyliss.com

For those who might be less agile, try using a strong fridge magnet on the lid to lift it off the can completely. This way, you can avoid injuring yourself while reaching for the can’s contents.

Keep the Potato Skins

Surprisingly, potato skins contribute significantly to both texture and taste in many potato-based recipes. They're an excellent way to enhance mashed potatoes, which can often be bland, by introducing variety to the flavor profile and providing an additional element of interest.

25. Keep the Potato Skins.jpg?format=webp@natashaskitchen/facebook.com

Moreover, skipping the peeling step before boiling potatoes saves considerable time. This efficient approach, often mistaken for laziness, can yield a distinctive and flavorful dish. Just remember to thoroughly wash the potatoes beforehand.

Rapidly Chill Your Beverages

It's a common mishap: realizing your drink isn't chilled when you're ready to enjoy it. While the freezer seems like a quick fix, it rarely delivers the rapid cooling you're hoping for.

26. Rapidly Chill Your Beverages.jpg?format=webp@jenpeng/tastingtable.com

A simple trick can dramatically boost your freezer's cooling power. Envelop the bottle in a damp paper towel before freezing. You'll have a perfectly chilled beverage in mere minutes.

Swap Plain Vegetables for Zesty Pico de Gallo

For a time-efficient alternative to chopping fresh vegetables, consider using pico de gallo, also known as salsa fresca. This ready-made mixture can easily replace individual ingredients like onions, peppers, and tomatoes in many recipes. Simply incorporate store-bought pico de gallo to streamline your cooking process.

27. Swap Plain Vegetables for Zesty Pico de Gallo.jpg?format=webp@yourbanoffeepie/reddit.com

This pre-prepared blend contains these ingredients already diced and combined, offering the same flavor profile as fresh vegetables when incorporated into cooked dishes. For those who prefer a hands-on approach, homemade pico de gallo can be prepared in advance and stored in the refrigerator for convenient use.

Elevate Your Instant Ramen Experience

Believe us when we say that you can create a delicious meal from instant ramen noodles. It might seem surprising but hear us out. Just add peanut butter and sriracha to instant beef-flavored ramen, and you'll be amazed at how simple and tasty it turns out.

28. Elevate Your Instant Ramen Experience.jpg?format=webp@roussosvic/reddit.com

If sriracha or peanut butter isn’t your thing, feel free to use different ingredients. The key is that you can whip up a tasty ramen dish without having to start from scratch.

Prepare Spaghetti in a Skillet

Cooking spaghetti in a skillet instead of a pot speeds up the process, as the water boils more quickly. Plus, the leftover water makes an excellent base for a sauce.

29. Prepare Spaghetti in a Skillet.jpg?format=webp@sarahcamille/reddit.com

It will be concentrated and starchy, so you won’t need to start making a sauce from scratch. Once the spaghetti is cooked, place it on a plate and use the same skillet to prepare the sauce, utilizing the water you've already started with.

Use a Bottle to Separate Egg Yolks

Separating egg yolks from the whites can be tricky—unless you have a handy trick! Simply use a water bottle to make it easy. Crack the eggs into a bowl, position the mouth of the bottle over the yolk, and gently squeeze the bottle to suck up the yolk.

30. Use a Bottle to Separate Egg Yolks.jpg?format=webp@The Easiest Way to Separate Eggs/kidfriendlythingstodo.com

When you release the squeeze, the bottle will draw up the yolk. You can then transfer the yolk to a separate bowl as needed.

Mix Hollandaise Sauce

Although it's incredibly delicious, many people don’t make hollandaise sauce regularly because it can be quite challenging. It demands constant whisking and precise timing to achieve the perfect consistency.

31. Mix Hollandaise Sauce.jpg?format=webp@[deleted]/reddit.com

If you’re okay with taking a shortcut, there’s a much simpler way to make this sauce. Just blend the ingredients together, and with the press of a button, your hollandaise sauce will be ready. You can keep this trick to yourself and let your guests think you mastered the art of whisking.

Enhance a Dish with Anchovies

Not everyone is a fan of anchovies but when used in moderation, they can enhance a dish without imparting a strong fishy flavor.

32. Enhance a Dish with Anchovies.jpg?format=webp@heitktebinltraj/reddit.com

For instance, dissolving one or two anchovies into a bolognese sauce can add a gourmet touch, giving it an extra depth of flavor. Anchovies also make a great alternative to salt! If you’re cooking for others, just ensure they’re okay with fish, as they won’t taste the anchovies in the dish.

French Toast Made in a Mug

Who doesn’t enjoy French toast for breakfast? But who wants to spend all morning cooking? That’s where French toast in a mug comes to the rescue. Simply tear pieces of bread and place them in a mug.

33. French Toast Made in a Mug.jpg?format=webp@thosewholeft/reddit.com

Next, prepare a French toast batter (eggs, milk, sugar, cinnamon, and vanilla) and pour it over the bread in the mug. Microwave it for one minute. Then, remove it, drizzle with maple syrup, microwave for an additional 15 seconds, and your breakfast is ready to enjoy.

Transform Leftovers into a Quiche

Remember, leftovers don’t have to go to waste, and you don’t have to eat the same thing every day. Turning them into a quiche or frittata is an excellent way to repurpose any savory foods you have on hand.

34. Transform Leftovers into a Quiche.jpg?format=webp@Coinflipper_21/reddit.com

This versatile cooking approach is also perfect for using up vegetables that are about to go bad. Incorporate them into any baked egg dish — it's nearly foolproof.

Cook Bacon in the Oven

Cooking bacon can feel like you need a full-body shield. Frying it often results in grease splatters all over your kitchen — and yourself.

35. Cook Bacon in the Oven.jpg?format=webp@Gourmetanniemack/reddit.com

To avoid the mess but still enjoy a bacon-filled breakfast, bake your bacon in the oven instead of frying it. Line a baking pan with tin foil (or use a baking sheet), arrange the bacon on it, and place it in the oven. It’s that simple.

The Trick for Peeling Eggs

Peeling eggs can be quite frustrating and time-consuming—unless you know the trick. To peel hard-boiled eggs quickly and easily, place them in a jar of cold water.

36. The Trick for Peeling Eggs.jpg?format=webp@“peel” an egg the EASY way (shake in water) hard boiled/YouTube.com

Next, put the lid on the jar tightly and shake it. When you remove the eggs, the shells will come off effortlessly. This trick can cut your egg salad prep time in half.

Additional Onion Tears

Peeling onions is rarely anyone’s favorite task. It’s challenging, leaves your hands smelling, and often makes you teary-eyed. A simple solution is to soak the onions in hot water for a few minutes before peeling them.

37. Additional Onion Tears.jpg?format=webp@MissAshley214/reddit.com

This trick will make peeling onions much easier and help reduce the tears, though it won’t completely eliminate them. Another method to lessen the crying when cutting onions is to chill them in the freezer for 10-15 minutes before cutting.

Shortcut to Cake Decorating

We all want to impress others with our cake-decorating skills but not everyone has those abilities. Fortunately, you can fake it by placing cookies onto the cake, giving the appearance that you’ve intricately designed it with frosting.

38. Shortcut to Cake Decorating.jpg?format=webp@A fairy Big Cake/cakesdecor.com

If you’re okay with taking it a step further, you can buy cakes in various sizes and stack them on top of each other. This will give the impression that you’ve baked a grand three-tiered cake.

Popcorn Without Kernels

A classic first-world food problem is grabbing a handful of popcorn only to end up with a mouthful of bitter kernels. It turns out that the bag of microwave popcorn is designed to prevent this but most people don’t use it correctly.

39. Popcorn Without Kernels.jpg?format=webp@taylor langston/pinterest.com

The bag is designed to be opened slightly at first, allowing you to shake the kernels into a bowl. Once you’ve removed them all, you can fully open the popcorn bag and enjoy it without worrying about encountering any unpleasant bites.

Prepare for Taco Tuesday

Everyone loves Taco Tuesday — except when all the fillings spill out of the tortilla and onto your hands. To keep your taco intact, place the tortilla in a microwave-safe cup.

40. Prepare for Taco Tuesday.jpg?format=webp@This Microwave Trick Turns Soft Tortillas Hard In Seconds/foodbeast.com

Next, fill the tortilla with your desired toppings, microwave it, and only remove the taco from the cup when it’s ready to eat. This method ensures an (almost) mess-free taco experience.

Avoid Burning Grilled Cheese Sandwiches

Most people use butter for grilled cheese sandwiches, which, while delicious, can easily burn if not watched closely. An equally tasty alternative is to use mayonnaise instead.

41. Avoid Burning Grilled Cheese Sandwiches.jpg?format=webp@r0wo1/reddit.com

Mayonnaise is less likely to burn and requires less attention while grilling. Plus, using mayo saves you the hassle of softening butter for spreading.

Switch to Using Powders

For onion and garlic, powders can be just as effective as fresh ingredients. Although they might initially seem a bit less flavorful, you can easily enhance their taste by mixing the powders with a touch of water.

42. Switch to Using Powders.jpg?format=webp@Barrett Reinhardt/recipes.net

You won’t notice a difference if the recipe calls for onions or garlic to be cooked into the dish. Using powders will save you the time spent peeling and chopping, and they’ll also cut down on the mess.

Keep "Fancy" Ingredients on Hand

Certain ingredients can elevate a basic dish to gourmet status. For instance, sun-dried tomatoes have a way of making any meal feel upscale. Identify your go-to "fancy" ingredients and keep them on hand to effortlessly enhance your meals.

43. Keep @Caitlin Shoemaker/frommybowl.com

If you have great culinary skills, you can prepare an impressive meal from scratch. However, if you're short on time or cooking isn't your strong suit, use a “fancy” ingredient to give the impression of a gourmet dish.

Egg Slicers Have More Uses Than Just Slicing Eggs

Who says egg slicers are only for eggs? This handy tool can slice a variety of soft foods. Use it for strawberries, mushrooms, soft cheeses, olives, and more.

44. Egg Slicers Have More Uses Than Just Slicing Eggs.jpg?format=webp@Egg Slicer Plus/pamperedchef.com

Why spend time chopping various foods when an egg slicer can handle so much more? Explore multiple uses for your other kitchen appliances as well — get creative and make the most of them.

Simple Two-Ingredient Caramel Sauce

Making caramel sauce can be a hassle, involving constant whisking, multiple ingredients, and careful attention to avoid burning. However, there's a simpler method for even the busiest cooks — using just two ingredients.

45. Simple Two-Ingredient Caramel Sauce.jpg?format=webp@BlackCatKitchen/reddit.com

Combine condensed milk with boiling water, let it sit for about three hours, and you’ll have caramel sauce. The best part is you don’t need to constantly watch it while it cooks.

Clean Potatoes in the Dishwasher

We know it's crucial to wash potatoes thoroughly before cooking but cleaning them by hand can be a hassle. Instead, let the dishwasher handle the dirty work for you.

46. Clean Potatoes in the Dishwasher.jpg?format=webp@Viral video recommends washing potatoes in the dishwasher. Is it really a good idea?/today.com

Place the potatoes on the top rack of the dishwasher and select the rinse cycle. Be sure there are no dishes, soap, or detergent in the dishwasher during this process.
