50 messages from people whose sense of humor only became better after marriage

21 Apr 2023

A happy couple's marriage is frequently an exciting new phase. It also brings about a great deal of change. Being married has certain differences from dating, and you'll probably continue to discover new things about your partner. The texts between these couples demonstrate one thing you might want to anticipate once you get married: you start to become amusing.

1. What does your husband do when he is too lazy to talk?

Chatting with your wife or husband, sitting right next to him, is not such a rarity! Now you can chat with your spouse while sitting on the same couch, in the same room, and even share the same bag of chips! Imagine the thrill of getting a notification from your spouse while you're both binge-watching your favorite TV show together. 'Honey, can you pass the remote?' -  'Sure, here you go!' - ping! 'Thanks!' - ping! However, if no jokes, it's better to communicate in real life sometimes, and not through instant messengers!

What does your husband do when he is too lazy to talk.jpg?format=webp@FUNNIEST HUSBAND WIFE TEXTS 2016/dex doe/YouTube.com

2. Great argument!

We think that this woman responded perfectly to her husband's desire to minimize their waste. Indeed, why spend less when you can earn more? Of course, after asking your husband to save money you can embrace thrift store chic and go on treasure hunts to find hidden gems. Who needs designer labels when we can rock vintage finds and create our own unique fashion statements? Plus, the '80s are making a comeback! But if you do not really like this prospect, then it is still better to talk to your husband.

Great argument.jpg?format=webp@Funny Replies by Wife To Her Husband - Part 2 | Hilarious Husband Wife Stories of Marriage/Jammy's Videos/ YouTube.com

3. It was cheeky!

In this married couple, the husband, apparently, is not sweet, because his wife is sharp-tongued! However, we still hope that this is their kind of family humor! By the way, when your spouse is speaking sharply, make sure to actively listen to what they are saying without interrupting or getting defensive. Try to understand the underlying emotions or concerns behind their sharp words. It's important to set clear boundaries and communicate assertively if your spouse's sharp tongue is causing you emotional distress. And yes, if your wife wants to watch her favorite movie or series, then it’s better not to forbid her to do so!

It was cheeky.jpg?format=webp@FUNNIEST HUSBAND WIFE TEXTS 2016/dex doe/YouTube.com

4. Gentle hint

Apparently, with this message, the wife subtly hinted that he might not count on dinner. Therefore, a man will either have to order delivery, or catch a squirrel on the way home! Of course, this is a joke and we hope that no squirrels were harmed. Of course, there are plenty of other ways to hint to a husband that his wife is not in the mood to cook today. You may remark, for instance: “Tonight, I'm feeling like a kitchen rebel. Why don't we rebel against cooking and place a wonderful order instead?”

Gentle hint.jpg?format=webp@FUNNIEST HUSBAND WIFE TEXTS 2016/dex doe/YouTube.com

5. Family humor

It is very nice when a married couple has common jokes and family humorous words. It really is “Heckcellent”! Making your husband or wife laugh at your jokes can be a fun and enjoyable way to strengthen your bond and create shared moments of joy. Share jokes that come naturally to you and reflect your own personality. Don't force jokes or try to be someone you're not, as it may come across as inauthentic. Laughter is a wonderful way to connect with your spouse, but always prioritize kindness, respect, and consideration in your interactions. 

Family humor.jpg?format=webp@FUNNIEST HUSBAND WIFE TEXTS 2016/dex doe/YouTube.com

6. Common situation!

The situation when children are closed in the house from their parents is quite common because children also like to joke! However. parents at such moments do not laugh at all. However, in this situation, the woman was not taken aback and immediately wrote to her husband. We think they will remember this incident with laughter for a long time to come! By the way, in a similar situation, it's important to try to establish communication with the child. Keep the child calm and provide clear instructions for them to stay in a safe area of the house.

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7. It's witty!

If your husband is asking why you haven't called his mom in weeks, you can get inspired by this chat! You didn't call Obama or the Royal Family, so why should you call his mom? Quite a logical question! If you don't want to call your mother-in-law then you can pretend to lose your voice! You'll see if his mom can decipher your gestures and make sense of your silent conversations. Also, you can "accidentally" drop your phone in a puddle, and his mom will have to wait for you to get a new phone before you can call her. Oops! 

It's witty.jpg?format=webp@Funny Replies by Wife To Her Husband - Part 2 | Hilarious Husband Wife Stories of Marriage/Jammy's Videos/ YouTube.com

8. Have you ever seen a dog in a tuxedo?

As you can see, sometimes not only women but also men with a rich imagination spend money on strange things. We can only imagine why this man decided to buy a tuxedo for his beloved dog. Maybe one day was browsing online for some formal wear for an upcoming black-tie event he was attending. As he scrolled through countless options of suits and tuxedos, he couldn't help but chuckle at the thought of his loyal furry companion, accompanying him to the event. So you can find logic in everything!

Have you ever seen a dog in a tuxedo.jpg?format=webp@Funny Tweets About Married Life That Perfectly Sum Up Marriage | Memes Time/Memes Time/YouTube.com

9. Total error!

If you have a conflict with your spouse, then the best thing you can do to defuse the situation is to joke! Humor can be a great tool to diffuse tension and create a positive atmosphere in a relationship. Just remember to always consider your husband's sense of humor and ensure that your joke is in good taste and won't offend or hurt him in any way. It's important to gauge the situation and use humor as a way to connect and bring joy, rather than as a means to mock or criticize. 

Total error.jpg?format=webp@FUNNIEST HUSBAND WIFE TEXTS 2016/dex doe/YouTube.com

10. No apologies!

Instead of apologizing to her husband, this witty woman decided to make a joke! And she did the right thing because humor can save in any situation! However, if in some situations you still want to apologize to your spouse, then you can do it in an original way! Whip up his favorite sweet treats, but add a playful twist. Make cookies in the shape of "forgive me" spelled out in frosting, or create a cake with a cute message. A person's gut is frequently the gateway to their heart!

No apologies.jpg?format=webp@Funny Replies by Wife To Her Husband - Part 2 | Hilarious Husband Wife Stories of Marriage/Jammy's Videos/ YouTube.com

11. Now he won't ask what's for dinner anymore!

Sometimes asking your wife what she cooked for dinner is a dangerous business that can end up something like what you see in the photo! The wife, in a humorous form, made it clear to her husband that until he, at a minimum, took out the garbage, she was not going to cook dinner for him. Well, in principle, everything is logical. If your wife becomes infuriated with questions about dinner, it's important to address the situation with patience and understanding. Instead of asking your spouse directly about dinner, try suggesting some options or ideas for meals. You may propose having pizza or cooking hamburgers for dinner.

Now he won't ask what's for dinner anymore.jpg?format=webp@FUNNIEST HUSBAND WIFE TEXTS 2016/dex doe/YouTube.com

12. The main thing is to joke in time!

If you forgot about everything that your wife asked you to do, it's not as scary as it seems at first glance! You can quickly turn everything into a joke! When you forget to do something your wife asked you to, humor and creativity can be your best allies. Just remember to take responsibility, apologize sincerely, and take care of your tasks promptly. As a quick apology, you can quickly order dinner at your wife's favorite restaurant. Delicious food, wine, and your humor will definitely save the day!

The main thing is to joke in time.jpg?format=webp@Funny Tweets About Married Life That Perfectly Sum Up Marriage | Memes Time/Memes Time/YouTube.com

13. When you can joke with your husband in any situation

It's cool when a husband and wife are on the same wavelength and understand each other's humor perfectly! For example, in this case, a joking request to get an autograph from the bounty hunters was very appropriate! Understanding your spouse's jokes involves effective communication and familiarity with their sense of humor. Notice how your spouse reacts when they make a joke. Do they smile, laugh, or use a particular tone of voice or facial expression? This will help you understand each other's humor and be on the same wavelength!

When you can joke with your husband in any situation.jpg?format=webp@FUNNIEST HUSBAND WIFE TEXTS 2016/dex doe/YouTube.com

14. He better listen to his wife

Sometimes it’s really better to listen to your wife so as not to bring home a panda instead of eggs! Of course, a joke about a panda is just an excuse to defuse the situation and not run into criticism of the woman you love. In order not to forget what you need to buy, you can start by mentally assigning each item on your shopping list to a specific body part. For example, bananas go on my head, apples on my nose, milk on my ears, and so on. Then proceed to walk through the supermarket, tapping or touching the corresponding body part as a reminder of what I need to buy.

He better listen to his wife.jpg?format=webp@Funny Tweets About Married Life That Perfectly Sum Up Marriage | Memes Time/Memes Time/YouTube.com

15. It's hard to argue with a sharp-tongued wife!

Dealing with a sharp-tongued wife during an argument can be challenging. Start and end your points with compliments to soften the impact of your disagreement. Also, when you feel the conversation turning into a heated exchange, use humor to change the topic. Approach the argument with a playful and diplomatic mindset. Channel your inner negotiator and use humor to diffuse tension. For instance, you might respond with, “My love, your words are as cutting as a sword, but can we switch to rubber swords for this debate?”

It's hard to argue with a sharp-tongued wife.jpg?format=webp@Funny Replies by Wife To Her Husband - Part 2 | Hilarious Husband Wife Stories of Marriage/Jammy's Videos/ YouTube.com

16. Autocorrect is a dangerous thing!

We don’t know who Megan is, but she definitely could have been unhappy if John hadn’t explained the whole situation to his wife. As a result, a funny correspondence came out, which these spouses will definitely keep as a keepsake! If the auto-correction on your phone corrects messages in a way that makes them funny, you can take several approaches to address the situation. If you find that auto-correction consistently changes your messages in a way that doesn't align with your intended meaning or humor, you may consider disabling it temporarily or permanently in your phone's settings. This can help you have more control over your messages and avoid unintended funny corrections.

Autocorrect is a dangerous thing.jpg?format=webp@FUNNIEST HUSBAND WIFE TEXTS 2016/dex doe/YouTube.com

17. How to wake up your wife!

If you want your wife to wake up in public to the applause of others, then you can use the life hack of this man. However, before doing this, make sure that your wife will understand such a joke and not be offended by you. But if your wife is offended by a joke you made, start by genuinely apologizing to your wife for offending her. Be sincere in your apology and avoid making excuses or justifying your joke. And next time, wake up the woman you love with a kiss or breakfast in bed!

How to wake up your wife.jpg?format=webp@Funny Tweets About Married Life That Perfectly Sum Up Marriage | Memes Time/Memes Time/YouTube.com

18. The wife will definitely tell the truth

When you’re tired of telling your husband that it’s time for him to start caring for his hygiene, then the heavy artillery comes into play! For example, you could leave a "cute message" on a chalkboard in the bathroom. Both funny and embarrassing! We hope the husband will still take his wife’s advice.

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19. Congratulations on the addition!

Apparently, this woman's husband didn't want to have any more dogs, but she came up with a cunning plan! And just look at these cute puppies, is it possible not to fall in love with them at first sight? Sometimes trying to convince a husband to get a dog is like convincing him to rob a bank - he's just not on board! But you can resort to creating a PowerPoint presentation with charts and graphs on the benefits of having a furry friend, including a 'built-in foot warmer' and an 'expert sock finder'.

Congratulations on the addition.jpg?format=webp@FUNNIEST HUSBAND WIFE TEXTS 2016 Part2/dex doe/YouTube.com

20. Great hack!

As you can see, jokes about cooking dinner occur most often between spouses! Catch another life hack - if you don’t want to cook for your husband, then what he asked, just tell him that he was wrong! Great idea! Using humor to suggest that your husband should also cook food can be funny and lighthearted, but it's important to consider your husband's personality and sense of humor. Say, “I'm putting in a request for a 'Husband Special' on the menu tonight. Surprise me with your culinary talents, and I promise not to critique too harshly!”

Great hack.jpg?format=webp@FUNNIEST HUSBAND WIFE TEXTS 2016 Part2/dex doe/YouTube.com

21. The main thing is to warn in time!

This man better be careful with his wife and if their mugs are really on the front lawn, the man better do something about it urgently! Of course, his wife will not leave him, but she will come up with a new daring joke! Honestly, using bold or edgy humor with your spouse can be risky, as humor is subjective and can be interpreted differently by different people. While humor can be a great tool for bonding and lightening the mood, it's important to consider your spouse's personality, sense of humor, and the dynamics of your relationship before using bold or edgy jokes.

The main thing is to warn in time.jpg?format=webp@FUNNIEST HUSBAND WIFE TEXTS 2016 Part2/dex doe/YouTube.com

22. Motivation can be found in everything!

We think that many will agree with the author of this post. Marriage can really motivate many things! Doubtlessly, marriage is the only institution where you get a life sentence for good behavior! But hey, at least there's always a constant supply of love, laughter, and someone to share the remote control with! Also, marriage is the ultimate teamwork sport! Together, spouses tackle laundry mountains, conquer grocery store expeditions, and navigate the perilous realm of assembling furniture. It's like a never-ending adventure with partner-in-crime!

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@FUNNIEST HUSBAND WIFE TEXTS 2016 Part2/dex doe/YouTube.com

23. Meeting your mother-in-law is like a boxing fight!

It seems that this woman does not have the best relationship with her mother-in-law, however, she tries to take it with humor! If you find yourself in a similar circumstance, let's get ready for the toughest test: the mother-in-law meeting! Shower your mother-in-law with compliments, but be creative. "Your hats are so... unique!" or "Your makeup is certainly... bold!" Also, you can bring a “delicious” meal. Load it up with your secret ingredient (maybe some hot sauce) to keep your mother-in-law's mouth occupied and less likely to engage in conversation.

Meeting your mother-in-law is like a boxing fight.jpg?format=webp
@Funny Replies by Wife To Her Husband - Part 2 | Hilarious Husband Wife Stories of Marriage/Jammy's Videos/ YouTube.com

24. Sometimes jokes can end up...shopping!

In this chat, it all started with the fact that the man decided to play a joke on his wife - he began to copy her messages. The woman was not taken aback and decided that it was time to offer to go shopping! However, after this message, her husband was not laughing and he stopped joking. Mostly trying to convince my husband to go shopping with his wife is like trying to tame a wild animal. Girls, for this, it's important to bring out your best negotiation skills, offer snacks as bribes, and even promise to watch his favorite sports game without any complaints. It's a strategic battle, but shopping is worth it!

Sometimes jokes can end up...shopping.jpg?format=webp@Funny Text Messages | Husband Vs. Wife 🤣 || Random Things/Random Things/YouTube.com

25. How to make a kid stop crying fast

Apparently, this married couple has an excellent sense of humor! Instead of succumbing to the provocation of a child in the form of tears in public, these guys decided to pretend that this was not their child. By the way, dealing with a crying child in public can be quite an adventure, and sometimes a funny approach is just what you need to keep your sanity intact. Parenting truly is an adventure, and sometimes, you just have to go undercover to save the day!

How to make a kid stop crying fast.jpg?format=webp@Funny Tweets About Married Life That Perfectly Sum Up Marriage | Memes Time/Memes Time/YouTube.com

26. You can never have too many tacos!

It seems that this married couple understands each other perfectly! The wife knew for sure that her husband did not stand in front of Mexican cuisine, especially tacos! The crispy shells, the succulent fillings, and the burst of flavors – it's a temptation that's hard to resist. But fear not, we have come up with a humorous guide on how to resist the allure of tacos if you are full and you don't want extra calories. Convince yourself that you're on a "taco cleanse" and that you can't eat tacos for a month. Channel your inner yogi and practice mindfulness while sipping on green smoothies, imagining that they're taco-flavored. Namaste, taco cravings.

You can never have too many tacos.jpg?format=webp@Funny Tweets About Married Life That Perfectly Sum Up Marriage | Memes Time/Memes Time/YouTube.com

27. Logical question!

This woman is not so easy to deceive. She logically asked - if the husband is busy, then indeed, where he got the time for texting? Therefore, if you do not like to correspond with your wife, then it is better to come up with more convincing reasons for this. Claim that your phone, tablet, or computer is experiencing a "critical software update" that requires your undivided attention. You can even throw in some technical jargon to make it sound legit. Just hope your wife doesn't catch you scrolling through social media later.

Logical question.jpg?format=webp@WIFE VS HUSBAND TEXTING BS/MaNuLaToR'S Media/YouTube.com

28. Hunger Punishment!

Everything is strict in this family: a man didn’t send a kiss to my wife, and he was left without dinner! If your wife threatens to leave you without dinner, you can solve this problem! Sneak into the kitchen like a ninja and grab some leftovers or a quick snack before your wife notices. Deny everything with a straight face when confronted later, claiming it must have been the dog. Or another variant! Enter into intense negotiations with your wife, offering to do chores, and pamper her with a foot in exchange for a delicious home-cooked meal. The choice is yours!

Hunger Punishment.jpg?format=webp@Comical Husband & Wife Text Conversation - Very Funny Text Message Fails Video | CONTENTbible/LADbible Extra/YouTube.com

29. Perfect answer!

If a husband asks you to compliment another woman, the best thing you can think of is to compliment the other man! We think that in this case your husband will definitely feel uncomfortable and next time he will think about asking you about strange things. By the way, if you are uncomfortable with your husband complimenting other women, it's important to communicate your boundaries clearly. Let him know how his actions affect you and what you are comfortable with in your relationship. Healthy communication and mutual respect are crucial in any relationship.

Perfect answer.jpg?format=webp@Funny Replies by Wife To Her Husband - Part 2 | Hilarious Husband Wife Stories of Marriage/Jammy's Videos/ YouTube.com

30. Passionate raccoon!

Sometimes it's really better to joke about a love affair than to admit that the pursuit of him ended in scratches on his back! I wonder what inspired an adult man to chase a wild animal. But of course, sometimes it's better to listen to the advice of your wife. Wives have a sixth sense when it comes to avoiding disasters and finding solutions to problems. They have an innate ability to see the bigger picture and come up with practical solutions, while some husbands may get carried away with their crazy ideas.

Passionate raccoon.jpg?format=webp@Funny Tweets About Married Life That Perfectly Sum Up Marriage | Memes Time/Memes Time/YouTube.com

31. Work More Shrewdly, Not Harder

Choosing the ideal meal for dinner has repeatedly come up here. After all, why not make the daily tasks you must complete a bit less stressful and a little more enjoyable?

This couple was debating whether to have meatloaf or lasagna. Thankfully, they were in agreement. Not to add that going to Olive Garden is far simpler than cooking from scratch, and the spouse who asked the question never officially pledged to furnish the dinner.

Work More Shrewdly, Not Harder (1).jpg?format=webp@FUNNIEST HUSBAND WIFE TEXTS 2016/dex doe/YouTube.com

32. How Practical

Sending one partner out for errands can be difficult at times. It can be challenging to clarify concerns when ordering products for someone else by text.

Despite the fact that there are some obstacles along the way, it still might work out. This person didn't know anything about it because they weren't the ones who needed it; all they needed to know was whether their spouse preferred a yellow or white onion! They were honest about the idea as well.

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@FUNNIEST HUSBAND WIFE TEXTS 2016/dex doe/YouTube.com

33. Not a husband, but a real poet!

When you forget to do something very important and desired, but then turn it into a joke, your significant other is no longer so offended! We are sure that a smile definitely appeared on the face of this guy’s wife after she read this verse.

Not a husband, but a real poet!.jpg?format=webp@airbornebrew/Reddit.com

34. Funny games

Of course, the longer the spouses are together, the more they are frank with each other. Moreover, they are united by common humor and jokes. Indeed, why not lie in bed and guess which muscle is cramped? You can also come up with many other games! Why not start by playing some music and dancing? Add extra points if you use ridiculous accessories or attire. The second idea is a tried-and-true game that tests how well you truly know each other. Be ready to discover some unexpected things about your partner!

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35. Wife instead of secretary

Well, males may forget to schedule dental visits because they're too busy honing their grilling techniques to think about their tooth health. Or they can have other important deals! In either case, it's critical to prioritize routine dental exams and keep teeth in excellent condition. Simply remind your husband that his smile is his most essential accessory and that a trip to the dentist is a tiny thing to pay for a healthy mouth the next time he forgets to schedule a dental appointment.

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36. That's luck!

If your husband falls asleep immediately after you open a loan, this is real luck! Only the main thing is that he wakes up at the moment when this credit will have to be paid. However, men, do not lose your vigilance, there are several life hacks on how to find out that your spouse is going to open a loan. The first sign - is she starts teasing you about going on a "dream vacation" or going on a "shopping spree". She now shows a lot of interest in credit card benefits and rewards, and she keeps inquiring about cash back and points. Be careful!

That's luck.jpg?format=webp@Funny Marriage Tweets Every Couple Will Understand/Delight Humor/YouTube.com

37. When privacy comes first!

Over the years of living together, the spouses get to know each other perfectly and understand the wishes of the husband or wife at a glance. Approximately the same situation occurred in this case. From the first word, the husband understood that his beloved wanted to be alone. By the way, it’s okay. Sometimes you need to give your spouse time and space to be alone with yourself. And then from different rooms, you will come to the common kitchen and fall in love with each other again! Sounds a bit fantastic, but we're sure it happens sometimes!

When privacy comes first.jpg?format=webp@Seriously Hysterical Marriage Tweets That Literally Made My Eyes Water/Delight Humor/YouTube.com

38. Does your husband play on the phone in the bathroom?

Do you want to feel in the body of your husband? Well, it's not enough just to play on your phone while sitting on the toilet! There are plenty of other options! Start by pacing the house while putting your hands in your pants. Why not give it a try for yourself since your hubby undoubtedly does it frequently? At first, it could seem strange, but you'll get used to it. Start by performing all of your husband's regular household tasks. Mow the grass, take out the garbage, and mend the leaky faucet. Your newly discovered handyman abilities will leave your hubby speechless.

Does your husband play on the phone in the bathroom.jpg?format=webp@Seriously Hysterical Marriage Tweets That Literally Made My Eyes Water/Delight Humor/YouTube.com

39. Urgently need to escape to the office!

The test of working from home with your spouse is well known. There are a few things you may attempt to make things more enjoyable if you and your husband are starting to irritate one other. Make a "mute" button for one another first. Sometimes you just want to hear something besides your spouse's voice.

Therefore, come up with a humorous signal or phrase to let your partner know you need some privacy. It can be waving a red card or a sign that reads, "I need a mute break". Your partner will hopefully respect your desire for privacy and will comprehend.

Urgently need to escape to the office.jpg?format=webp@Seriously Hysterical Marriage Tweets That Literally Made My Eyes Water/Delight Humor/YouTube.com

40. We've got things to do!

We are sure that your wife is aware that hiring help is the best approach to accomplishing her goals! However, who better to assist your wife in getting things done around the house than her devoted and supportive husband? But let's face it, if you approach your tasks in good mood, they can be a lot of fun. Just consider it an opportunity to spend time with your wife doing something advantageous for your household. Who knows, you might even find that you have a new hidden talent for vacuuming or cleaning.

We've got things to do.jpg?format=webp@Seriously Hysterical Marriage Tweets That Literally Made My Eyes Water/Delight Humor/YouTube.com

41. A wife will find everything!

Of course, women have a unique talent that allows them to remember where everything is in the house! They appear to have a map of the house stored in their minds that they made showing where everything is kept in the house. So keep in mind that your wife probably already knows where your keys and phone are the next time you look for them. And if you're lucky, she might even help you find them, with a little teasing of course!

A wife will find everything.jpg?format=webp@Seriously Hysterical Marriage Tweets That Literally Made My Eyes Water/Delight Humor/YouTube.com

42. A subtle hint through a song

There are lots of other entertaining ways to imply to your spouse that she doesn't pay much attention to you than singing a song! Start displaying a fluorescent "I need attention" sign around your neck. Alternately, you may start a brand-new creative interest, like opera singing, and persist at it until your wife notices. These are all a little bit extreme and might not be the best ways to express your feelings to your wife. It is critical, to be honest with each other! Good luck, and don't forget to take care of your spouse!

A subtle hint through a song.jpg?format=webp@Funny Marriage Tweets Every Couple Will Understand/Delight Humor/YouTube.com

43. Not a minute without a joke on his wife!

I would like to explain to this man that if the dog sighed, looking at his wife, then it is not a fact that the pet is sad. Everything can be quite the opposite! The dog probably can't handle your wife because she is just too attractive! While having a keen sense of smell, dogs primarily use their sight to assess their environment. And the poor dog is probably thinking to himself, "Wow, I can't believe I get to live with such a gorgeous creature!" when your amazing wife enters the room.

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44. When advertising knows your needs better than your husband

Online advertising algorithms, you see, have a lot more information than your husband! To learn more about your preferences and interests, they can trace your online behavior, examine your search history, and even keep an eye on your social media activities. Your husband is most likely just attempting to ascertain your desires based on the sporadic cues you provide him. And let's face it, there are occasions when even you are unsure of what you want. But yes, online advertising knows everything about you!

When advertising knows your needs better than your husband.jpg?format=webp@Funny Marriage Tweets Every Couple Will Understand/Delight Humor/YouTube.com

45. Favorite cup holder!

In the car, the most valuable cargo of all is contained in the cup holder! Of course, this cargo is caffeine. It is a cup of delicious coffee that will help relieve stress on the road! With it, you wouldn't notice the spouse who continues asking you to slow down even if you're only traveling five miles above the speed limit, the kids fighting constantly in the backseat, and the GPS that keeps urging you to turn left when there is a dead-end street ahead. The only thing that keeps you going is that lovely cup holder!

Favorite cup holder.jpg?format=webp@Funny Marriage Tweets Every Couple Will Understand/Delight Humor/YouTube.com

46. Opposites attract!

It's a perennial conundrum as to why opposites attract. It's comparable to attempting to understand why magnets attract one another or why cats and dogs occasionally form close friendships. But love is just a lot of action and reaction occurring all at once. For example, you are an erratic extrovert who enjoys staying up late partying, yet your partner is a quiet and restrained introvert who would rather stay home and read a book than go out dancing. Although it may appear that you have nothing in common at first sight, you actually are two sides of the same coin.

Opposites attract.jpg?format=webp@Funny Marriage Tweets Every Couple Will Understand/Delight Humor/YouTube.com

47. Money question

In fact, in buying women's underwear, the price is far from the only difficulty! You see, purchasing women's underwear can be challenging. The strain of choosing something a woman will truly like and feel comfortable wearing is added to the already overwhelming variety of designs, sizes, and materials available. Not to mention the price, of course. Even while we might wish it weren't the case, underwear can be quite pricey. Do not forget about it, dear men!

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48. His wife knows how to "calm" him!

Apparently, this man's wife was not serious about discussing his feelings about the outfit, so she decided to joke! However, if you have similar experiences, we will come to the rescue! There are a few things you may do if you're concerned that other people won't appreciate your attire. You might just embrace your sense of style and wear whatever makes you feel good. Fashion is, after all, all about individuality and inventiveness. What does it matter if people don't like what you're wearing? The most important thing is that you are confident and at ease.

His wife knows how to calm him.jpg?format=webp@Seriously Hysterical Marriage Tweets That Literally Made My Eyes Water/Delight Humor/YouTube.com

49. When the wife ate all the candy…

The wife should keep a straight face and discreetly wipe the chocolate from her mouth in such situations. There are a few options if your wife consumed your chocolates. Let's face it, we all know that getting sweet retribution is the only sensible course of action. That's right, it's time to respond in the sneakiest, most evil manner imaginable. 

You could swap out all of her shampoo for maple syrup, tape sticky notes on the outside of her car, or even put all of her shoes in the freezer. That'll teach her not to tamper with your hoard of sweets!

When the wife ate all the candy.jpg?format=webp@Seriously Hysterical Marriage Tweets That Literally Made My Eyes Water/Delight Humor/YouTube.com

50. Sometimes a dominant wife is funny!

Watching all seasons of your favorite series on Netflix from your husband's profile is an interesting way to dominate, but we know the methods better! You can explore taking up a novel pastime that is generally regarded as "cool". You might begin learning the guitar or how to skateboard. But honestly, to be cool, though, you don't need to perform any of these things. The coolest thing you can do is to be authentic and embrace your special personality.

Sometimes a dominant wife is funny.jpg?format=webp@Seriously Hysterical Marriage Tweets That Literally Made My Eyes Water/Delight Humor/YouTube.com
